
That’s the weather word to describe how the day started, although it did improve from a cloudy, misty, wet and drab start.

My swim was earlyish and accomplished with just a bit of hassle from very very slow swimmers. Three of them. I even managed to overtake and complete a few lengths in front crawl without too much shoulder pain.

Home, and then it was time to take H for a quick stroll before I left for Newbury to see Michael and Margaret in their new house. Opposite BV.

And oh boy! What a house it is, built within the plot of their old one which is now occupied by someone else.
They seem to have clung to most of their land and the garden is definitely work in progress. But the house is just beautiful, designed by them and tweaked by an architect, and is furnished with quality and expensive pieces of new furniture. Their outlook is directly across the horses field which brings nature closer to them.

I suppose that two people living in a five bedroom/ five bathroom house is not really flaunting your money. Much. They say it doesn’t require much care etc, but I wonder if it is ever fully occupied. In which case – What is the point?

Margaret had also prepared some delicious food and I enjoyed myself very much . I won’t be needing supper.

BV was a bit disappointing to look at. Big dark fences shield it from neighbours and Venetian blinds adorn the front windows, which are quite out of keeping with the style of house. They have got rid of the box hedge (a good idea) and replaced it with some twee, ankle high arrangement. It seemed quite diminished to me.

I returned home to give H some company and then popped over to the Illis to say hello … to Fleur. G was keeping a low profile and Dave was busy. Before leaving home, I discovered I was locked out of Messenger and Fb was playing up. Messenger wanted me to log in (never done that before) and required a password. (Didn’t know I needed one.) I don’t know how many passwords I tried to put in and it didn’t like any of them. Pen found she had a similar problem. Hackers? Frustration bit deep. Fleur took a look at it and Bingo! But reality suggests her success was coincidental.

I didn’t need supper, though I expect the early hours might induce hunger pangs.

Tomorrow is busy… largely due to the timing of a dental appointment which gets in the way of everything.

But I have now worked out I will walk H around earlyish, dentist at 11.00, swim at some point early afternoon and dreaded SW at 4.00pm or 5.30pm. Our new consultant has additional times.

Thought for the Day






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