
I awoke to see a blue sky peering at me through the Venetian blind. Outside the grass was frosty. Goody, I thought, no rain.
So, that is my weather word for today. The afternoon things changed a little, in that quite large clouds appeared adding the word ‘intervals’ to‘sunny’.

I checked whether I could take an early swim but spaces were few so I dismissed that idea.

H and I returned to Cholsey Meadows, now my ‘go to’ place until ground conditions improve. How can I have lived here for 3 years and not known about these fields? T would have loved it here. H just can’t stop paddling and it’s so much safer than the Thames. A couple of springers caused her to look at them as though their behaviour was quite extraordinary.
They dashed through the water, back and forth, oblivious of their owner who was fast disappearing into the distance. One had to swim all the way across one of the ponds.

A black lab tried to invite her to join in his watery antics, but a paddle was all she would do.
We sat on the bench enjoying the warm sunshine. No Dryrobe today.

A quick trip to Waitrose for a few essentials followed. Especially some more of their organic celery and some Philly. My current latest snack.

Home and lunch and a doze and the day was over after a bit more Trigger Point, series 2 now, and a smattering of my favourite Sunday viewing. The bits I was awake for.

After realising their planning application was not going to succeed, and withdrawing it, due to the village spitting out its bile in the form of objections, Cranford school seems to have finally got the message – that the way it’s parental and staff traffic and parking are managed is unacceptable.
The approach roads which are normally lined with cars are now lined with red and white bollards and the cars are nowhere to be seen. Probably on their netball courts or on their playing field behind the Rec. The one with public access.
I expect the planning application for expansion will reappear.
Moulsford is a village of around 176 households, brought to a daily standstill by Moulsford Prep, and their parents of around 400 boys up to 13, and Cranford school, and their parents of 550 pupils up to the age of 18. That’s a lot of drivers who will frequent the village during school hours, for open days, and for sports and other events. School holidays bring relief.

Thoughts for the Day

A few random photos that keep popping up. Lovely memories of Tony over the years.

On the ferry to France – scared Minnie seeking reassurance

Christmas time at the Swan with G 2017

In Palaiochora – Pizza Odyssey I think

Chris’ birthday at Grammeno a while ago






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