
Oh dear… how long can I keep these weather words going… Today’s forecast was unpleasant which matched the day. Torrentially heavy and cold showers interspersed with the odd break in the sky providing a sunny spell. I call it drenching.

The night was good but I was awake at the usual early hour. One of the quordles caused me grief but I got there in the end.

I decided against swimming and set myself up to get H out so that I could leave her at home whilst I met Brenda in Newbury. The rationale for leaving her behind being: dogs are not allowed inside at this particular venue. The Yew Tree Garden centre at Ball Hill.
I had contemplated exercising her at Greenham but decided not to because leaving a wet H in the car whilst I lunched would not be very kind. A wet H was better left at home.
The moment we started our walk, I regretted my thin raincoat and wished I had worn my heavier Dryrobe. But from inside the warmth of my home, I had not appreciated the degrees of cold outside. Add to that, slashing rain, and the walk became not pleasant.
Of course, Sods Law dictated that the rain stopped for a while once I was back at the car and home again.

It was soon time to hit the road for Newbury.
I had heard of traffic delays due to some flooding at the A34/M4 junction. But I hadn’t a clue if it was north or southbound. Fortunately the delays were northbound, and were long and slow moving. In the meantime, huge hoses adorned road embankments and pumps were busy at work. I was not delayed but issued a memo to myself to find an alternative route home.

Brenda and I enjoyed an hour or three over lunch at the Yew Tree. I had to keep reminding myself not to travel home by the A34 and its northbound delays.

That journey home was particularly foul. A huge bank of black cloud lurked in wait, to the west and I knew it wouldn’t be long before the rain would be unleashed. As I headed north east I could see brighter skies in the distance but I never seemed to reach them. The rain was heavy, producing sleet-like blobby bits on the windscreen. I checked the temperature on the dashboard which had dropped from 7C to 4C. Not really a sleet temperature. Perhaps it was just soft hail!

H was very happy to see me but reluctant to go outside. But out she went and she obviously worked out that it might be a good idea to make use of the opportunity she had tried to refuse.

Thereafter the evening passed with me catching up on the last two episodes of Deadwater Fell. It’s worth a watch and must have been made pre any lockdown.

I had been feeling as though this country is falling apart and divisions are being deliberately stoked on all political sides – mostly along racist or religious lines. We don’t have leaders strong enough to stamp on the issues. I believe Rishi has waffled on from the steps of Number 10, but I have no idea of what he had to say. I fear we shall see riots before long. I do not like it.

Thought for the Day






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