On one of the radio stations, the weather forecaster has to describe the weather for the coming day, in a single word. My word for today is Grey.
I suffered a disturbed night, when I awoke at around 02.00 and could not settle back to sleep. No idea why, no busy brain. So I watched a couple of episodes of Ambulance 999 on C4 and that did the trick.
I set an alarm so I would not sleep so late that I could not swim. And I was at the pool for around 08.00.
It was an irritating swim today. The lane was frequented by too many swimmers, some only there fleetingly, calculated to annoy. At one point numbers were nine, and then ten minutes later, three. and quickly back up to six.
I returned home for the usual shower etc and before I knew it we were on our way to Slimming World. Two whole bags of sugar were shed this week – rather better than last week’s effort. I stayed on for the meeting – more to be polite than for any other reason.
I had brought H in the car so I took her for a little wander and I enjoyed a really tasty lunch at the Snug in Dorchester. The llamas were out and about in the fields in front of the shop. Probably because areas nearer the river are still flooded.
Driving through Wallingford revealed widespread flooding in the town centre meadows, car parks are completely submerged.
Now, I’m not sure you will want to know this, and I don’t know if my Snug lunch was responsible, or if it was something else, but I was treated to a couple of explosive and uncomfortable bowel movements.
However, after a first, merely urgent need, and which I dealt with at the Snug loos, H and I took a longer walk on the way home, at Cholsey Meadows . It was trying to rain and almost succeeding. So we did not head for the pond bench, though the workmen have vacated it. But in their place, there are various barriered areas which I will investigate on another occasion.
A more urgent need for a loo overwhelmed me so I hurried H along in order to get home, asap.
Thereafter, I was incapacitated for a while and lay around feeling sorry for myself and felt I needed to remain close to a loo. However it is a few hours later now and things have settled .
A doze may have involved itself in the proceedings. I felt a bit listless so stuffed myself with toast to establish a new, safer status quo.
Penny has invited me down to Devon for Mothers’ Day weekend in 10 days’ time. I will travel there after my watercolour workshop on the Saturday. This one will be on rivers.
Thought for the Day

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