I awoke around 05.00 and headed towards the coffee making machinery. And I was hungry too so dug some more frozen fruit from the freezer and smeared yogurt and granola over it and ate it.
I briefly contemplated a swim but thought I deserved a bit of a lie in after all that sitting around that I did yesterday.
H and I pottered out to Cholsey ponds. Again. What a find. The way the fields and tracks down to the river are organized, presents all sorts of possibilities.
The ponds have grown this week. Once more, there had been heavy overnight rain. The flooded roads were a bit of a give away. In fact, earlier, when I offered little H the great outdoors, she wheeled round and retreated inside. But by the time I found myself getting up and going, the rain had stopped and to the west, there were hints of a sun up above. But if you looked north east, the sky was piled high with layers of grey clouds.
There were a few people and dogs out and about. One particular dog was retrieving sticks from the pond. H spent some time wandering in and out of the water and snuffling in the reedy edges. In fact it is becoming harder to keep her on terra firma.

We returned home where I downed coleslaw and a smoked mackerel fillet.
I had been Invited to the Illis for a meal later today. They have been busy gardening. I should have been busy gardening too.
It was dark when I arrived at 18.30 so I didn’t get to see the results of all the gardening. But I did enter the house to a series of delicious, spicy smells. Three different curries were on the go – two vegetarian ones and a chicken one. ( mushroom and dahl were the veg choices). They were all very yummy.
So, replete, I tottered back home to my favourite TV programmes. Only to find one was halfway through, one had been displaced by the BAFTAs ( in which I have no interest)and I fell asleep through the last.
I sometimes wonder who actually watches things like the BAFTAs where so called celebrities preen themselves and congratulate each other on doing their day jobs. Perhaps we could have similar awards for council workers ( top council tax manager, best refuse disposal operative etc) or supermarket till persons ( most polite, quickest, most efficient, best packer,) and so on. Even the thought of tasty David Tennant as presenter, couldn’t tempt me.
George has excelled himself by using his understanding of 3D printing to print himself a new NerF gun. It has special small foam things it shoots. It is no small nerf gun and apparently it took a few days to print. But the velocity and power achieved … I suggested he supply the Ukrainian army. There is supposed to be a photo here but no one sent it. Fleur has been busy with charcoal and has more mock exams looming.
I’m assuming Evie arrived back from new York after her school trip there. Pen had a very muddy walk and Dave sent a video of river running – or that’s what it looks like. Frankie is back at Uni after a couple of weeks doing something important and educational ( I expect) at home.
Thought for the Day
Sunsk’s Final Solution

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