New ponds with a bench

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I passed a good night and awoke in time to book a latish swim. I was a bit wary because the number of spaces seemed to indicate a busy pool and swimming in a cluttered lane with choppy water is never fun.

The morning revealed there had been heavy rain overnight with growing floods in the fields and on the roads. It was around 07.20 when I set off.

I was quite dismayed to find out that Burt was already up and outside, his attention being taken up by the fence technicians who arrive by 07.30 each morning. He was busy directing operations (interfering) as usual. I managed to escape his attention for once. He had tried to engage Debs the day before.

The pool was quiet when I arrived, but by the time I left there was all sorts of flotsam and jetsam drifting around in my preferred lane. I managed my 1km but forgot to stop the water fitness workout after 10 minutes. This credited me with around 50 minutes of the same.

Outside the pool, the skies had turned blue and the sun shone down benignly. So the drive home was with those lovely views. And Blewbury ‘Lake’ glittered.

Having showered, H and I revisited the unfamiliar part of Cholsey Meadows and the newly discovered ponds. It was glorious and so I grabbed a bench to enjoy the warmth of the sun. The trees are budding up. H spent some time snuffling around at or in the waters’ edge.

We returned home via Waitrose where I spent enough money to stock up the fridge for the next few days.
Soup for lunch followed by something more substantial, and the comforts weighed in my tummy and slowed up my metabolism so it all fell asleep.

Today has been another disaster for the Tories after two more by election losses. The right wing still seem to think they have lost votes because they are not right wing enough. Jacob Rees Mogg has made the mistake of uttering more offensive nonsense. A mere reflection of his lack of intelligence, intuitive or otherwise . Perhaps these right wingers are all neuro divergent in as much as they don’t seem to receive social cues heading their way.

Alexei Navalny has ‘died’ or maybe been terminated by Putin and his henchman, the World can be an awful place at times, as born out by Netanyahu and his deeds. Gaza and Ukraine – may their misery end.

Greece now allows same sex marriages-the first orthodox country to do so.

Thought for the Day







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