I was not intending to swim today due to various events – notably needing to be at Slimming World for thé 09.30 session, due to the Moulsford Coffee morning later on.
But my conscience gave me a good kicking and I was at the swimming pool around 07.00. This was at least an hour earlier than usual. I found the faster lanes full of manically thrashing arms and busy legs, some sporting fins. I suspect it was a training session for some group or club.
I definitely needed to keep clear of them. So in my very slow lane, I covered around 700m in the time I had available, which is better than the 0m I thought I might achieve. I dashed home for my shower, grabbed hold of little H, stuffed her in the car and treated her to a trip to Slimming World.
Much to my surprise, I have mislaid another bag of sugar. That’s around 14 of them so far.

Next up, as my reward, I picked up a naughty croissant at the Oxshed. No ordinary croissants there, this was a giant of a croissant, all flaky and crisp.
I walked some of it off with H round the recently discovered Cholsey trails, conveniently located between Cholsey and
In the rain, just for a change, next up was the local coffee morning. There were some faces there that were new to me. I don’t know where they were hiding because they were mostly long term residents.
Dave rang and brought over a lovely bunch of tulips, as well as G, on a Valentine’s Day visit. And Penny sent me a wonderful art kit to get me screen printing. Included is a book, a well made screen and various other items. And links to online tutorials. All very exciting. ( I have now watched two tutorials). It’s a bit clearer than mud .
What the family don’t know is that T and I got engaged 54 years ago today. We were supposed to do the deed the previous Christmas but I was smitten with a horrid dose of flu and was too unwell to visit his parents. So we postponed the great announcement.
This afternoon, I made a quick dash to Dicot for my naughty Wednesday treat. The other one apart from the croissant. Cook shop maybe featured.
I won’t be swimming tomorrow because I have to take G to Harwell quite early.
And maybe I need to take a little rest from chlorine. When I first started swimming again I found my skin was itchy – mainly lower legs. Ali recommended a citirizine tablet (antihistamine) which definitely helped. Then the itching settled.
On my legs that is. Now I have itchy eyes, itchy, and sometimes blocked nostrils , itchy nape of neck and sneezing bouts. All very attractive. The eyes and nose are particularly bothersome at night. Along with the shoulder. Time for a citirizine … I feel for the bay fever brigade.
Puzzle time now! Doh! And that didn’t go as intended.
Next – Murder in Provence… that was a good snooze inducer until the itches woke me up.

Thought for the Day

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