What a difference a Day makes

…And so the heavens opened.

Well I had quite a good night and my personal body alarm clock awoke me at around 05.00. I booked a late swim for after 08.00.
The day was another grey, grumpy and damp one. But the drives were in daylight.

The pool was quite busy and that made the waters choppy and swimming tricky, It was not a lot of fun, but I persevered for another 1km.

It was raining quite heavily when I arrived home, the forecast hinting of a break in the wetness around midday. It didn’t happen. The rain carried on relentlessly.

Burt was lurking outside as I pulled up. That is not unusual, he is usually lurking outside troubling some neighbour or other. Often, those opposite. I have heard that one couple have warned him ‘off’.
Theirs (B and W) is the end bungalow of a row of three. The troubled man who lived in the middle one, died a few months ago. Ever since, Sovereign have been getting rid of loads of his junk from house and garden, removing nicotine that dripped off the walls, and redecorating and preparing for new tenants, who seem to have moved in. Not that I’ve seen them, but a bespoke blinds company was installing their wares yesterday.

The comings and goings on the shared bit of driveway have driven H potty over the last few weeks. And, just as I thought it was all over… fencing contractors have arrived with panels and stakes. More noise and comings and goings.
Anyway Burt was out there directing operations which gave me opportunity to scuttle into the house and avoid him. He must be finding such an unsociable (not antisocial) neighbour hard to deal with.

But, since all operations involve workers walking through B and W’s back garden, they must be fed up. Tradesmen’s vehicles also litter the road and try to park across our drive if I don’t watch them. I suppose the work has to be done.

Eventually I became fed up with sitting around waiting for the rain to stop. So I took H back to yesterday’s walk location. Just to assess the contrast over the two days.

H was not too bothered by the rain and we visited the pond that I had glimpsed yesterday. And I found more ponds and more tracks.

How could I not have noticed this before?

More ponds and posh houses.

We got wet! And were glad to be back in the car. And then home again.

Nothing much else happened except I caught up with various episodes of Silent Witness.

And I ate lupper. A sort of late lunch / supper. A jacket potato on a bowl of salad.
Tomorrow morning is annoyingly busy. So probably no swimming. But the afternoon is delightfully unbusy.

I wonder if it will rain? Silly question.

Thought for the Day






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