Badbury and Sunday Lunch

Last night was a bit of an up and downer. Perhaps salad and watery veg and strawberries are not the best things to eat before going to bed.

I drifted in and out of sleep, eventually getting up and leaving home around 09.00. The idea was to get to Badbury Clump, an NT woodland area, before 10.00. Walk until after 11.00 with H, and then meet Anne, near a M4, for a pub lunch. Badbury itself is an old hill fort, with a surrounding ditch, where a clump of trees have taken over the central area. And there are great views towards … somewhere.

I first went with T in 2021 when the bluebells were out within the woodland, and the garish yellow of rape plants populated the fields. Today snowdrops were struggling (and failing) to dominate.
Dogs were out with their big people and some little people too.

May 2021- I remember I was on crutches – rape and bluebells

February 2024

The day had dawned wet and miserable but by the time we had spent a short time at Badbury, the sun was striking through.

H ran around and found some mates to sniff.

We eventually set off to meet Anne, passing through the incredibly stunning village of Coleshill whose estate is linked to Buscot estate, both belonging to the National Trust. Now, having researched further, I have decided these places are both worth a further visit, when it is not half term, and in the cooler months so H can wait in the car whilst I explore interiors. There is some important wartime connection.

I was slightly early to meet Anne at the Plough on the Hill, just off the M4, junction 15, Swindon East, so paid a quick visit to the farm shop / cafe that was most unwelcoming in the pouring rain around 3 years ago. To be fair, we had not booked, it was barely post pandemic, and they were full and there was no outside shelter. But the Plough on the Hill kindly took us in, amidst stationary traffic, due to roadworks. Outside, it was all ghastly.

But that was then.

Today the farm shop is tarted up with a rebuilt cafe , resurfaced car park and much better organisation. I bought some amazing garlic. And some eggs.

And the pub is not an island in a sea of roadworks. And it was not raining.

The pub was popular, and busy. And H was allowed in the bar area. We were booked at 12.00 and were warned our table was rebooked out at 2.00pm. Like many other popular places, they have two hour slots for tables. Anne was not very happy.
But we were well fed and she took the left overs home in a doggy box. Two hours was plenty of time. Though I suppose it would have been nice to linger over a coffee.

The venu was about half way between our homes and I expect we will return. I arrived home just as it was starting to rain.

But I noticed that the west bound M4 had long queues ready for Anne to join. A burnt out car, she said, was the cause.

The usual happened when I reached home. But we had enjoyed another good trip out.
i woke up in time for my favourite TV programmes which overlapped each other, before falling asleep again and making it to bed at some ghastly hour. No trouble sleeping today!

Thought for the Day






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