The early morning dawned very very wet again, but as the day drew on, the skies cleared and, just before sunset, there were some spectacular skies. Especially just as I arrived home.

I enjoyed a little bit of a lie in as I have decided not to swim at weekends. But it was not that much of a lie in.
An extended chat with Penny followed. Evie has an unconditional offer to study for a Photography degree at Cardiff. It’s now a question of … will she / won’t she… Great news Evie!
H and I walked for a while along the old railway line at Hampstead Norreys before driving to Newbury to pick up Brenda, to take her to see Michael. Another avoid-the-mud walk.
I stopped briefly at Chieveley Services because I decided I would need a loo trip urgently by the time we arrived at the Care Home. So I decided to pre empt that little problem by dealing with it at Chievely.
Well my goodness! It was like Piccadilly Circus there. All the world and his wife were on the move with streams of ladies heading for the loo. What in earth was going on? Could half term be the reason for all these ridiculous people being on the move? Getting in my way! Who knows!
Relieved, I gathered up Brenda and dropped her off to see Michael whilst I visited the almost-local pub, grabbed some lunch and gave H a short walk.
Brenda had had a good visit with Michael and she needed lunch, so we visited an almost-local, delightful tea shop called Little Roses. Or similar. Worth remembering. Everything is almost local round there.
Thereafter, the return journey was straight forward, as was the trip from Newbury after dropping Brenda at home. It’s a question of dodge the potholes these days because new ones open up on a daily basis, or old ones just grow deeper and wider.
Anne’s turn tomorrow. Sunday lunch near Swindon at a pub just off the motorway. One we have visited before. Badbury, of bluebell fame, is about a 20 minute drive away, but not really en route. And no bluebells in February.
Thought for the Day

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