More Rain

Quite a decent night and awake at around 05.00. I managed not to tip over my cup of coffee this morning. I booked a swim for 08.10.

The drive to the pool was really horrid. The rain was very very heavy and the roads were awash. It was also that tricky time of day when it is neither dark or light. So visibility is difficult.

But the pool was very quiet, so the swim was good, another km ticked off.

When I arrived back at the car, it appeared to be sitting in a lake which had not been there when I parked. There had clearly been heavy rain whilst I swam.

I was hungry upon my return so unfroze some berries and ate a yogurt and fruit brekki. I felt quite tired and the rain was still tipping down so H and I indulged in some relaxation until I was notified that it might be dry for an hour or two.
So H and I wandered the soggy meadows and Rec that Streatley has on offer, before returning for a bowl of soup.

The day was grey and miserable and only 6C first thing. It continued pretty much in that vein. I had omlette and a pile of salad for tea with a couple of Ryvita.

My ears were bent back by an annoyed Ali this evening because she had received a patronising letter from school because F’s attendance was below par. Such absence leads to terrible underachievement, so the letter said. Yeah right. After all the time lost when schools were closed.

Her out of character absences were due to a bad bout of Covid, bereavement and other odd days. You are allowed 10 days in any one year. And these unavoidable happenings were the contributory factors to overstepping that.

I decided to pass time watching previous Silent Witness episodes. The day continued wet and horrible.

A doze intervened at some point.

Thought for the Day







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