I had a very good sleep with only limited interruption until around 05.00. Then my woes began.
I hate spilling drinks, but today I excelled myself and watered the carpet really well by pulling my cup of coffee over. Losing my coffee was bad enough but seeing it all over the carpet, filling my extension lead sockets, soaking my charging cables and causing all manner of disagreeable hisses and pops, was the last straw.
I disconnected everything and wiped things dry but I think the interior of the 6 socket extension lead hub might be too far gone. And of course, my bedside light was also disconnected. Irritating and annoying.
I made it for a pleasant early swim. It had rained massively during the night and there was deep flooding across several of the roads, in places. I actually managed a 1km swim today, for the first time. Not really difficult. Just time consuming and boring.
At SW I had put on 1/2 a lb which was annoying, but unsurprising. I think I ate too many avocado pears, and salad dressing etc. Someone suggested I might be building muscle from swimming! As if! She obviously hasn’t seen me swim.
To console myself, I took H out for lunch at Burcot. Where I treated her to a 3 course meal of fish and prawn sauce. Never mind tiramisu cheese cake for her pudding.
But she had already enjoyed a short walk first at Streatley Rec. We were back to limited location choices now the wet weather, with its associated mud, has returned.
H then informed the car was not large enough for her to stretch out and have a proper sleep. So return home, we did, and enjoyed just that.
Lunch had been so filling, I didn’t bother with an evening meal for myself. And watched some TV before taking myself to bed, without all the electricity by my side of it that I usually put to good use. Tomorrow may see things restored.
I carried out some research into extension leads and things have moved on since I last purchased one.
I now have two new ones on order, square ones as opposed to long ones. The long ones are awkward. With fewer plug sockets and many more USB and USB C slots. Including slots specifically for lap tops. I have one for the sitting room too and for the study.
I have also booked myself into three water colour painting workshops . I’ve little experience with water colours. One on skies, one on rivers and one on trees. Led by a local artist. There is one a month.
The next couple of days are empty – perhaps some tidying up might be a good idea.

Those were the days …
Thought for the Day

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