Another reasonable night’s sleep and a 05.00 ish awakening. And a morning off swimming because it really was Saturday.
I did nothing much for a while and quite enjoyed it. But then, I decided it was time to get H up and out. It was such a lovely morning with light clouds filling the sky and some warm sunshine. If it wasn’t that it was still early February, I might have thought spring had sprung.
I realised that it was on just a day like this that it would be good to scatter T’s ashes on Lardon Chase. So that was where H and I went and it was beautiful up there today.
H checked out what T will see from near ground level.

However, the day was on the turn. As we arrived back at the car, there were darker and greyer clouds veiling the sun and there was a hint of damp in the air.
Next, we were off to Wallingford Sports place to the Astro turf to watch F play hockey. Wallingford were all over the opposition but seemed unable to score. I’m sure they got a distant goal, and they did, apparently, the score was a 2-0 win.
We returned home to eat the yummy parsnip
soup that I made earlier – one carrot, a few parsnips, an onion, garlic and a chili pepper. Which was all followed by avocado and tomato salad.
And then, predictably …
I read a lovely email from Andrew W. Just a news one but it is good that he wants to keep in touch. We have been through similar experiences – he with Barbara and myself with T.
I’ve been watching an agreeable comedy programme called ‘Here we go’ which stars Alison Steadman. There is a doorbell that features frequently. The family always seem to be having people arrive at their front door. It’s a constant in every episode. This doorbell is the same as our old one and every single time it plays its little tune, it winds Heidi up.
Without fail, she trots up to the front door barking her fiercest. It has really upset her normal relaxed demeanour, and mine. Nothing deters her from her guard dog duties.
The evening dragged on and I dragged myself to bed after a dose of Casualty. I believe I missed some exciting rugby, between Wales and Scotland. And England nearly came a cropper.
No swimming on Sunday, because I am having an early brekkie chez Illingworth. Followed by a farm cafe meet up with Anne as she heads home to Bristol after two months in NZ.
Thought for the Day

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