Goings on going gone

Another reasonable night, followed by a swim. This one was slightly earlier than yesterday and the pool was delightfully quiet.
But my ears are unsettled – they need syringing, blocked full of compacted wax which will need the oil treatment. U.K. Doctors no longer do syringing. You have to go to a designated centre where they use a vacuum method. And you have to pay for this service.
Over the last few years, I have got away with self treatment with an Amazon kit. But no longer. I can hardly hear! So I had better get going with the oil and make an appointment.

As I may have said, the swim was very pleasant. The day was grey and grumpy again. Though not like Crete, which nearly got itself got washed away. But then, bad weather never lasts long there.
I had planned an edible treat out, after SW, but it was not to be because I needed to gather up H and go walkies.
We went down to Pangbourne Meadows, where the sun tried hard to put in an appearance and where the mud was merely sticky as opposed to slimy, and the sponge was less spongy.
H ran around for a bit with some fleeting friends. We had a bit of a love in on a bench and returned, just as the sun was bright enough to create hazy shadows.

The usual water birds were shy today, but the red kites were noisy enough.

I returned home just in time to prevent my beans from drying up too much and had a bit of a feast. I’ve also got left over curry somewhere. I tried to catch up on Silent Witness but inadvertently closed my eyes …

And awoke an hour later feeling very grumpy.
I did finally catch up with Silent Witness and watched some of David Mitchell’s Outsiders.

Parts were extremely funny, but other parts dragged. Series1 episode 1, watch the first aid badge bit. It’s an elderly series.

Nothing much happened with the rest of the day. I think I failed to catch up with Quordle Sequence – there was an annoying second word which I did not guess.

Burt has finished playing with his mysterious boxes – they have both disappeared – gone to a better place I expect. It must have been a very special project. I actually managed to get my bin out yesterday without his interference.

Thought for the Day






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