I was awake for a while in the night after a decent sleep through the evening. But I managed to sleep on.
I booked a latish swimming slot and was quite dismayed to find that the pool was quite busy with 6 or more trying to swim in my lane. On my previous visits, there had only been 2 or 3 of us. However I managed to achieve another 700m. Slowly.
I returned home, to be greeted by Burt sticking his bloody nose in, where it’s not wanted, again. I was in a dry robe so unlikely to want to engage in conversation. He came over looking for the dog.
I was curt with my greeting and I fled inside to shower off the chlorine.
Burt was doing something with his big box, now joined by an even bigger and squarer box, that occupies his front garden.
Once showered, I enjoyed yogurt, fruit and granola. I asked H if she was ready for her walk, but she ignored my question so I left her to fester on for a bit. I was feeling cold, which was a bit strange. I don’t normally feel cold here.
Eventually we went out for a quick walk round Streatley Rec and meadows which was under grey skies and gloom. We did not hang around because I had to get to the hairdresser.
My appointment was at 3.15 and I arrived in good time . And Ashley gave my locks a good chop. I felt a bit sad as we passed the Turkish Barber – they were very good to Tony. I wonder if they are missing him.
I trekked home and made a lentil and veg curry. No rice – more a soup really.
I wonder what she is hiding from…

SW tomorrow morning. I hope all this swimming has born fruit.
Thought for the Day

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