The Mysterious Goings On

I had a magnificent sleep last night, as my phone informed me, totalling around 8 hours.
I awoke towards 07.00 wondering about a swim. I eventually booked one for later in the morning, to finish around 10.30 so that it could dovetail into an aqua session that would start at 10.45.
This would not be too convenient for little H but I reckoned she would survive. And she did!
The day presented a mucky outlook, but it was not cold.
The swim was very pleasant until I realised that some little squeaky creatures were also having a swimming lesson involving more than their fair share of the pool. This meant moving lanes. But they were not bothering me so I did not bother them.
The pool was very quiet in the new slow lane, the other one being occupied by the squeaky creatures, as I drifted up and down, up and down.
The aqua fit bit was alright but Didcot pool has an unusually tricky pool floor, which is angled in unpredictable directions and depths, which can make a balanced aqua tricky. You are either out of your froth, so have no purchase for your feet to carry out certain manoeuvres or within it, or you are with feet at different levels. Depths, that is. Not froth!

But, I got through it all, though afterwards, I was rather withered, somewhat like a prune.

I returned home to shower off the chlorine and to walk H.
I was distracted by something mysterious that Burt is dealing with in his front garden. A large coffin like structure, clumsily covered in a dark blue tarpaulin, sits on his front grass. Now I haven’t seen Wendy lately…

H and I scuttled off to Streatley Rec to walk through to the Swan to enjoy an Americano and a croissant. And yes, I know the croissant is a bit naughty, but I was starving.

The area bordering the river is still quite badly flooded but nothing like the low lying land near the Spring Inn. The Thames flood plain comes into its own!

We drove to a very quiet Vicars to pick up one or two items and then returned home. By now, the effect of the croissant was wearing off, to be replaced by desire to finish off yesterday’s vegetable and cheese sauce heap. Which I did, accompanied by a small pot of pitted Kalamata olives. Kind to the heart but not to the waistline.

Some scams lack any sort of subtlety .

Thought for the Day






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