And I took it literally.
A reasonable sleep in my bed followed the one in the chair. I had been watching a film called the Decoy Bride, the story line looked fair, but it also starred David Tennant – a young David Tennant. Another good reason to watch it. It was silly but watchable. Because it kept sending me to sleep, it took me about 6 attempts to get through it all.
I was awake at 06.00 which meant there was no excuse not to swim. So I booked myself in for 08.00 which is almost the last time block available before the critters and their litters can enter. My lane was quiet. I’m a slow lane swimmer now and very slow amongst the quite slow. Probably because I drift along doing breast stroke. I shall need to build up the front crawl stamina but at the moment my sore shoulder/ arm precludes it. Ie it hurts.
My skin does not seem to like the chlorine any more, my legs have developed an annoying itchiness. Scratching them provides hedonistic satisfaction. But the itchiness has only developed over the last few days so it has to be the chlorine. Hedonistic opportunities or not, I had better try to ignite them. Or even ignore them.
The sunrise as I left Moulsford was absolutely stunning- it was about 07.30. Someone else posted the picture of the river from outside the B and W. Fiery skies dominated and were visible in my rear view and wing mirrors all the way to Didcot.

I don’t know about red skies in the morning and shepherd’s warnings, but it has been a fairly sunny day. And the sun was warm. Time to sit outside in our sun trap maybe. Apparently records were broken in Scotland as the mercury hit 19C.
H and I eventually went for a walk which was more or less a waste of time because I headed for the gravel tracks Padworth Way, got lost, and started to follow a bridle way , which deteriorated into such a muddy and hazardous mess that I gave up.
Burghfield and Padworth Commons are laced with gravel walking tracks but car parking spots are rare. Why make the commons so people friendly, yet accessibility is a major problem? It is very annoying.
H decided, quite justifiably, that we had not gone far enough and displayed some dumb insolence by sitting on her backside when I wanted to make progress back to the car.
I made a vegetable mornay for lunch/supper. That’s a posh name for vegetables in a cheese sauce, in a similar vein to cauliflower cheese. I’ve eaten very little cheese recently so I hope it does not cause an upset. In fact, I find cheese quite cloying these days.
I blame SW.
The evening was taken up with The Great Pottery Throw Down and CTM. Two of my favourites.
Thought for the Day

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