I slept well in the chair – right through the Traitors’ Final but caught up with that later around 22.30. In bed.
The day was not an attractive one and I felt in no hurry to do anything. I woke up well after 06.00 and the swimming weekend timetable is not great for me. Adult swimming for fitness opportunities are compressed. So I flexed instead.
After all the small jobs, I received a call from Ali asking if I could exercise Minnie. Ali and Fleur had hockey and Dave and George were up in Leeds.
I got our act together and went to collect Minnie. Only I didn’t collect her because I forgot their house keys. (Blame my new key system) So I came all the way back home again, picked up the naughty keys and collected Minnie. When I got as far as the house door, I discovered it was not locked anyway. Hmmph!
I decided we would walk at Pangbourne Meadows. I haven’t been there for some time for reasons which should be obvious and are largely to do with water. And flooding. And rain. The grass was very spongy and quite slippery and muddy in places. But the girls were determined to have a good time. They ran, they chased other dogs, they paddled, they plunged. Minnie chased the ball and H even joined in , stealing the ball for a while. And Minnie rolled.
The birds were very noisy and active. The geese were flying back and forth just skimming the surface of the water. Or one goose was. The swans were accosting walkers for a bite to eat. Minnie, already wet from the river, decided to roll in the muddy grass (when she was not chasing a ball) and her black fur was nicely coated in brown slime. Remedial work would be required.
I towelled the dogs down and drove them home and into the back garden where Minnie was hosed down. With cold water. She eventually gave up resistance. They were then shut in the rather intimate utility room with a towel to lie on and share. And then they were allowed into the kitchen where I left them for an hour or so.
I eventually took Minnie home around 06.00. I declined the suggestion she could stay here, in case I wake up early and decide to swim in the morning

I have a feeling that Spring might not be far away – the countryside and its contents seem to be waking up or are a bit more lively. I even found a daffodil out in Devon.
I haven’t even noticed snowdrops here though I expect Welford Park has plenty.
I made avocado and tomato salad, yet again. And plonked a fish on top of it. Sleep, predictably, took over .
Thought for the Day
Autumn leaves – a couple of years ago. I was in trouble over the number of takes I requested!

early start on Sunday
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