Yes I went swimming again – yawn- another 500m + – three times in three days – but I will probably take the weekend off.
I met Loren, my new cleaner today, she is very lovely. She works paramedic shifts and I think, originally, the idea was that she might be able to keep an eye on T as well as get in some cleaning. No longer necessary …
She does a really good job and is very efficient. And is not phased by my untidiness.
I decided to escape with H and leave her to get on with it – she was going to be doing 3 1/2 hours today, so decided to walk with H and then seek out a late brekkie.
We went to the Snug in Dorchester, a farm shop on an alpaca farm, which, upon investigation, revealed itself to be part of a major, locally supported conservation project. Visitors may wander round the farm, and down to the Thames where a network of footpaths lead in different directions round the village. And the Clumps lie in wait in the distance.
It was a lovely sunny morning, warmish, but catch the breeze and there was a chilly edge to it.

The water is a lake, rather than the Thames.
The Snug was far from busy but I indulged myself with a halloumi and smashed chilli and lime avocado brekkie, all on some sourdough bread. Rather yummy. H enjoyed a few crumbs.
We sometimes stopped here on our way home from Oxford hospital trips. And we paid other visits. T used to love the alpacas.
We returned home to our nice clean home and enjoyed a little down time. Then, later …
Ali rang to invite me over for a coffee. Which is where we went.
Ali was busy trying to interest Fleur in prom dresses, texting her images of various options . She failed rather miserably. The prom is not until the summer.
George and Dave are on their way to Leeds for a 80th birthday party.
Pen has been in London at a concert of Rupert’s whilst returning Frankie to Uni after a trip home for Evie’s 18th.
Jurgen Klopp – is leaving Liverpool – very sad! Good job done Jurgen! Farewell to Klopp of the Kop.
Last episode of the Traitors tonight. What a programme!
Thought for Today

in happier days …
and on a completely different note

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