Evie Lola turns 18

Grandchild number turned 18 today. Happy birthday Evie Lola- hope it was a good one.

Another dubious night’s worth of sleep. Awake at some silly o’clock again and another early cuppa, and a bit later, yogurt and fruit.
There were some pressing admin things I needed to deal with, including some French utility items. Apparently the utilities cancel standing orders but I need confirmation.

Also I’d overlooked paying the wonderful gardener I found for France. I just wish I’d found him years earlier and then I wouldn’t have had to battle with the grass after a longer absence.
So some correspondence is sorted.

The day dawned miserable with promise of more nastiness to come over night. So far the rain has been ever present, but fairly light. But more winds are forecast.

Before taking H out, I made a dash to the Post Office in Cholsey to register one of the letters to France. That is recommended by the French end of the phone system out there. I also remembered we needed clothes washing sachets. We were absolute out of them. I no longer have an excuse not to wash laundry.

H and I drifted our way across Streatley Rec for coffee and foggy biscuits at the Swan. Or maybe they were doggy biscuits. I was wrapped up in my voluminous dry robe as protection against the damp. It does an amazing job. But then the rain was not very damaging at this point. And I became quite hot.

The Swan cafe was very quiet today, lots of space which is not always the case. However, since I was wearing my dry robe, I was quite happy to sit outside had it been necessary. I’m not sure H would have shared my enthusiasm.

We wandered back to the car – still horrid weather.
I had about an hour at home before it was time to pick up Fleur on her way back from the school bus, and then whisk her home before taking her to a hairdressing appointment. I had a little chat with our good neighbour – Tracey – she always says if there is anything I need, to let them know. Fleur told me the bus was 90 minutes late getting them to school due to an accident on the good old A34.

Darkness was falling at 16.50. Goring was prettily illuminated. The Thames is rushing about again in the middle of Goring. I feel lucky to be living in such a pretty area. Trouble is, we get trippers at the weekends. They come up from London to our convenient station. and swarm all over the village and its bridges and pubs etc.

I will have to attend SW tomorrow – I’m not looking forward to that. Too many meals out over the last two weeks, or meals that other people have cooked will have wreaked havoc. And I am hungry right now!

Thought for the day

2017 – what a disreputable person!

I’m sure H was thinking this way yesterday as she dillied and dallied her way back to the car and caused me to backtrack some metres to pick up my own personal handwarmer.






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