Coffee and Tulips

Another decent sleep, until I was overwhelmed by desire for a dose of caffeine. I staggered up and sorted it out and prepped some fruit and yogurt for brekkie.
I’ve had a couple of weeks off Slimming World philosophy but am slowly picking it up again.

Because of the stormy forecast, I wanted to get H out for her walk earlier than usual. A phone call from Ali interrupted my thoughts. And my actions. I also was faced with evidence of heavy rainfall in the form of huge poodles across the road. That was a bit of a deterrent after a mud-free week.

So we took a quick spin around Streatley Rec and I visited Ali and Fleur for a cup of coffee. Dave and George were out on football business.

It was another grey start to the day, damp too, but the worst of the storm was forecast to land overnight.
After the walk, coffee and tulips at the Illis, I returned home for a Chetinhad curry and a sleep.
Following that, I ventured out to Waitrose where I picked up an order and three very good avocado pears to replace the disastrous ones of yesterday.

I made one of them into a delicious salad with some slicing tomatoes which I have discovered are tasty and juicy. Much better than any other variety available at the moment. A touch of olive oil and a spray of balsamic vinegar… yummy!

The day dragged on with little of interest. The main TV played up and kept buffering when I tried to watch CTM and, by then, the Great Pottery Throw down was mid programme. But I caught up with them all later. And as for Fool me Once, I think I need to revisit the ending.

H declined to go outside at bedtime. She barely needed to see what was going on and she did not like it. Wind, rain the lot. The back gate had blown open which raised my suspicions as to whether someone had tried to use it. All the wind in the world should not have removed my carefully wedged rock.

The night that followed was rather disturbed…

T continues to be very very sorely missed… I thought women were supposed to be heavy users of toilet paper. But I have realised he used a lot for blowing his nose etc. It takes a while to get through a roll these days.
The house is very quiet without him.

And all those times I used to set the alarm early and nag him to meet deadlines -eg get him to Daycare- well those needs have just evaporated into thin air. I heard my alarm going off at 06.30 and was struggling to understand why. I hope he is happy wherever he is. And that I do puzzle over.


Thought for the Day






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