Yes! That’s me today. I’m quite ashamed of myself. I had quite a good night though I am back to waking up around 05.00, desirous of my shot of caffeine.
I have a troublesome left foot with a sore or something near the ball of it. I am temporarily keeping away from the barefoot look. It feels fine when walking with my Skechers on.
H and I walked by Streatley Meadows across the Rec to the Swan where I enjoyed another coffee. The outdoors was overcast and grey and very uninviting. The coffee shop was busy though with a nice pretend fire blazing away.
We toured the local shops in search of one or two items – garlic, milk, fruit etc.
And I picked up a few treats at GG including more of their homemade granola and a home made Chetinhad curry.
I came home to make my salad mountain, using one of the three avocado pears I bought at Greendale. Only thing was, I didn’t use them because every single one was grey and mouldy inside. Not good enough Greendale. I thought about lining them up, all six halves and taking a picture and sending it to them, asking them what they would like to do about it since I lived 100 miles away. But they were at the very bottom of the bin by now.
However, in contrast, of the three satsumas I bought, the two I have eaten have tasted very good. In my experience supermarket ones can be hit and miss. But I can no longer buy string bags full of fruit – there is just too much to get through. The grape bill is drastically less. And I can only buy 3 bananas at once. Maximum.
But it’s the same for anyone opting for a single life whether through death, divorce or choice. It just is taking me a while to get used to it.
I maxed out the day with mega TV catch up starting with Silent Witness, then a Netflix series called Fool Me Once. There are 8 episodes of the latter to keep me quiet. Saltburn is much vaunted, so I might need to investigate whether that is something I might enjoy, if I can access it.
Today we are due storm Isha later in the day. There are wind warnings and all sorts. I had better get my walk in early rather than later.
For some reason, I was dreaming I had to cook a joint of pork for brekkie before someone had to leave. I then woke up, full of anxiety to get this joint into the oven, potatoes peeled etc … until I realised there was no joint and no potatoes to peel and my imagination was in overdrive. Phew!
Thought for the Day

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