The Return

Another good night’s sleep, but I was awake quite early again. I got myself showered and prepared my possessions for my departure.

It was another blue sky morning but with a very very heavy frost.

Pen took H for a nice long walk after she dropped Evie off at school. H has become Pen’s new best friend due to the walks and the cheesy treats. I’ve now found a good home for all the excess cheese portions that T never got around to eating.

I kept out of the way of Pen’s lovely cleaner and psyched myself up for the drive home.
Before departing, we visited Greendale, which has expanded out of all recognition since I was last there. The restaurant area that is.
We enjoyed a very nice brekkie before we said farewell and I wandered off to see what goodies I could pick up. Mussels were in order and some salad veg. The avocados need time to ripen, which is a shame. I sped past the cheese and pie counter. And ignored the biscuits, cakes and sweet treats.

I returned home via the A303 which was trouble free and I enjoyed another straight forward journey without hold ups by and with stunning views.
H was very quiet but seemed comfortable to be home.

Of course, I could not unload the car without Burt tapping the car window to let me know something unimportant – that he had interfered again, and put my black bin out and then put it away again because they were not emptied. However, if he bothered to look on the website, he might see that, if not collected, you should leave bins out for two days for a late collection.

Once I entered the house, I found the new cleaner had made a good job of it so far, but wants to do another deep clean, before continuing with fortnightly cleans. The house also smelt very nice. I soon messed things up!

I unpacked most things and then had a little relax which involved an appointment catching up with the Traitors.

The mussels were cooked for my supper and were very large and very meaty and very delicious. I added some beans and carrots to the pot. I need the avocados to ripen so I can stuff myself full of salad. Loren had left the kitchen very sparkly and very tidy. Not any more!

Penny’s photos from her walk this morning.

Thought for the Day






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