The night was somewhat interrupted by my howling dog. I thought she was going to accept her fate and slumber quietly on her lovely new fluffy donut bed in the kitchen.
What a silly Billy I am, after an hour or so of intermittent doggy wailing , I gave in. For the sake of others in the household, you should understand. I clambered downstairs, then back up again with the new bed and the dog. Silence reigned.
Morning arrived and I toyed with the various choices on offer : take H out for a wee in my nighty or get showered and then take her out. The latter won. And she was taken for a longer, later walk by Pen.
Meanwhile, I allowed myself a banana for brekky and thereafter ate nothing until our special afternoon tea at 15.45. At the Spa. By then many things had happened to me.
Importantly, and crucially, Pen drove us to Boringdon Hall, the most glorious old house near Plymouth. Tall rooms, leaded windows with the modern spa tucked behind.

We swam a little, splashed around in the hydrotherapy pool, ventured into the small outdoor pool, in all its chilliness.
We explored the steam rooms and showers and the shock of the icy cold bucket of water. Pen assured me it would give me a high – like taking cocaine – she said. Well if the shock I experienced was like some high end illegal drug, I will not be tempted! It was painful and a shocker!
At some point, I enjoyed a wonderful Indian Head massage with scented oils etc.
And then followed the special afternoon team, the theme being Aladdin .

Shall I rub it or eat it?

We had left little H with Dave who commented that she was not over enthusiastic about his company. Ungrateful creature. She was pleased when I returned.
We had a lovely afternoon. Thank you to Pen for arranging such a fantastic treat.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, DCI. has been kindly house sitting for 2 days, whilst Streatley Iinternet has been sabotaged and Gigaclear are failing to fix it. Although I believe they have succeeded now.
The evening drifted on in this high tech lovely house where subtle lights in the bathroom switch on the moment you enter. The shower starts at the push of a button, st the right temperature, More subtle lighting illuminates kitchen cupboards and the house is so big I forget there is more of it to enjoy than the area u am occupying.
Thought for the Day

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