I awoke at the usual silly o’clock. Having stuffed a hot water bottle under my neck and shoulder, that seemed to put paid to the arm pain that has been troubling me. And I was soon back asleep until around 06.30.
I got my act together reasonably quickly to get myself out to SW, where I found I had managed not to put on weight over the last two weeks. I had even lost a nano amount.
I came home to gather up Heidi, and then, Minnie, so I could give them a bit of a run around. Both of them chased the ball for a bit under blue skies and a yellow blob, in the dry of Streatley Rec. It was frosty and the bleached reeds poking through silvery ice were picturesque, in a messy way.
Below: my crazy dog rolling in frost on the Astro turf.

I had to get a move on and leave for Reading for the Honda dealership, to get my car serviced. I did not want to see that bright orange spanner on my dashboard any more, or hear its warning beep.
I was a bit perplexed to find long queues of. cars heading westward at the A4 junction with the Pangbourne Road. All became clear- the motorway was closed – if you were travelling west. Memo to self: find another route home. And it was closed due to an accident, never mind scheduled bridge repairs at Chievely if you were travelling east. Not exactly a win win situation.
Things didn’t get easier because the Satnav was firmly telling me to follow A33 Reading /Basingstoke signs, and I forgot the Badingstoke bit was to be eventually ignored. And before I knew it I had ignored the Reading bit and held on to Basingstoke. It did not take me long to realise the folly I had imposed on myself, and I did a swift about turn.
The garage was efficient in servicing the car. Only one notification, one tyre was worn on its inner edge and I need to get tracking checked. Plenty of tread, just uneven wear.
Everything else was fine.
Before I knew it, I was travelling across Reading, to avoid any residual queues and I was on my way home. In different queues. In a nice clean car minus its orange spanner on the dashboard. This was replaced with a new beep and a new orange symbol – warning me of frost. Cars are so clever these days.
I feel for Ali and Dave, not only has someone driven into their golf, and severely dented a door panel ( and didn’t bother to stay to confess) but also it failed it’s MOT today. Something to do with a shock absorber. To be fixed tomorrow. It’s barely 4 years old, so very annoying I should think.
I sat down ready for this evening. I have lately taken to using the chair formerly occupied by T. Along with the footstool, it yields a very comfy upright sleeping opportunity. As I have discovered over the last few weeks.
This evening it is a month since T died. This weekend I have booked myself into a hotel near the Dorset sea at Eype. Just for a couple of nights, on my way to Devon for a few days with the Robert’s. Pen has been busy booking expensive treats and a spa day. Very exciting.
Ali is busy looking into a ceramics opportunity. Fun with a potter’s wheel and all that. There was a time when I threw my own teapots etc. Doubt if I can do that these days after all these years.
Dave has been rationalising their supplies of cereal…

Laying in stock!! Nice smile though.
Thought for the Day
Something wonderful to look forward to next week – better find a swimsuit. One that fits .

And a week or two later…
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