
I awoke on the sofa at about 02.30, returned to bed and slept until after 06.30. I needed to get myself up. T and V wanted to be at Cholsey station for around 07.50.
No time for puzzles this morning.

I was all set to be out and about with H early. Our visitors were dropped off. The night had been awful, after storm Henk. Flood warnings were widespread. The country is drowning. But our trip to Cholsey was alright.

However, for T and V, their onward trip to Gatwick was not so great. Their train from Reading did not work out due to a fallen tree which was blocking lines. This meant a detour via Clapham junction, but they still got to the airport in time.
I returned home to strip the spare bed, load the washing machine, and pick up H.

I kept H on the lead for a while because this was the site of the great disappearance a few months ago. She had spied a squirrel and chased it across the rec and up onto the opposite wooded slopes. And took awhile to return to me.
We returned home via Vicars and some special doggy mince which I cooked upon my return.

I also got waylaid by the rubbish which needed to be sorted and put out for the bin men tomorrow. And there was also distraction by other chores which lurked lying in wait. For example, dismantling the Christmas tree.

But H and I had a good walk along the old railway line at Hamstead Norreys. This has a decent surface and is a mud free zone. There were lots of trees which had fallen, trees which had once lined the railway line. It was quite a mess really, but my track was clear.

I made myself some lunch and sat down. Big mistake – I’m sure you can imagine the result.
It was 18.00 when I awoke, somewhat disorientated. More or less the same time, I heard T and V were back in Rafina.
I sorted a few things out, including catching up to the end of Traitors, Episode 3 and various other catch up programmes followed.

It’s the beginning of a very different life. Sometimes I forget T is not here with me, which I find very disturbing. The reminding myself hits me hard.

I am keen to see the video of the funeral. I had yet another message today, from Terry, to say he had found it interesting. (He only knew T recently, riddled with Alzheimer’s.) It is good that newer friends are able to hear, from others, how clever and respected T once was. I await the link.

I am also having to get used to the pronoun I, rather than we. Etc…

Thought for the Day






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