Shattered, I enjoyed a very good sleep until around 05.30. It was another day of very wet weather, the rain pouring down this evening. There were. Multiple reports, this evening, of flooding and road closures, including of the A339 to Basingstoke. Of the 42 years we lived in the area, I have never known that happen before. Crashes, yes, water, no.
I was due to run Fleur up to the Downs mid morning to pick up information about her GCSE Art exam. School starts for F and G next week, though Evie, in Devon, returned this week.
I decided to encourage T and V to explore Goring on foot whilst I was busy with Fleur, and her friend. They are here for such a short time, and V has seen so little of the local area.
We met at the Swan for a very good coffee. The whole area is quite flooded- the Thames path at Goring is under water as is part of the Swan garden area. And fields around and about.

We retreated home to two different Charlie Bigham curries for lunch. Which were demolished with ease by our visitors (followed by two jacket potatoes each filled with a pile of tuna mayo and some salad each in the evening.) Luckily, I still had some Christmas treats around, such as Stollen or Christmas cake to use as desert.
And before I knew it, Debs was here to sort my feet out. Toe nails sorted now and feet scraped and massaged. Too much information perhaps.
I had a jolly nice snooze this afternoon. I felt I deserved it. I hope to get another this evening. In bed perhaps.
H won’t even go out in the rain- she missed out on a decent walk today. But from tomorrow, things will slowly return to a new sort of normality. And our, regular, usual walks will resume. I will be glad.
I will be dropping T and V off at the station early tomorrow morning which means an early walk for H.
Well, this evening passed watching episode1 of the new traitors. And more cooking.
I have never seen two people sit around and take in so much food as our two visitors. Small breakfast, followed by a large lunch AND enormous supper, both consisting of two courses. I shall not be sorry when they depart and I will not have to be prepping food and washing dishes. (And laundry – sheets and towels).
I mislaid part 2 of the traitors in a deep and meaningful doze. until I woke up at 02.25 am bolt upright on the sofa. I really excelled myself.
Perhaps it’s to do with relief!
There are times that you do not appreciate what you have until it is no longer there. Yesterday brought closure of a sort. Closure on the trials and tribulations of the last few years. But it also brought renewed reminders and revelations of what I once had, and of what I have now lost. Quite heartbreaking really.
Thought for the Day

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