H was very quiet all night, sort of frozen in time, a bit like Sleeping Beauty(fully).
I was awake quite early. And enjoyed the start to the day, not doing anything much, except listening to rain and stormy conditions elsewhere for a change.
I got myself a hot drink and fruit and drifted off back to sleep. H remained motionless.
I didn’t rush to get dressed because I had the spare room to sort out for Tina and Vangelis. Might as well get showered after that was sorted. I needed to reposition the bed nearer the wall. It’s a small bed for two, especially if the two are not so small people. Better to have the wall on one side to prevent anyone falling out of bed.
To reposition it, I had to empty it of the items stored in the base, take the mattress off, shift the bed, with not a little difficulty, and then put everything back again. It is also quite heavy to lift the mattress base up and down.
In addition, my supplies of bedding seem to have gone forth and multiplied. I have extra single duvets and single sheets with no homes to go to. And no bed to use them on.
I had, of course, previously, just piled all the excess single items up, as you do, in the spare room, out of sight. Now, once more in plain sight, I was to pay the price.
Well – most of it is sorted out now.
I received a text suggesting I join the Illis at the Rec. They were following up yesterday’s hike excitement with family hockey and football.
Of course it started to rain the moment I arrived. Even my waterproof struggled but I only had an old one with me. The dogs cavorted and Minnie leapt around after the ball.
I eventually gave up on the drizzle and headed home to a jacket potato and a pile of salad.
And now I feel tired but the Tourist beckons.
In fact the Tourist was put into its distant last place by text conversations relating to wonderful funeral speeches. We are nearly there now… Two more days… And a few hundred too many words.
Minnie plays the game. H thinks the contents of my pockets are more interesting.

And, finally, meet Kalli -Eleanor’s little dog – isn’t she cute! Another ex-Grammeno refugee , all the way from Greece, a few years ago.
Oh and by the way – it is still raining.
Thought for the Day

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