It was another of those nights where I was awake at some silly, early time, around 02.30 I think. I tried quite hard to resettle myself but failed miserably. I did eventually get up and carry out some chores which included getting dog towels out of the tumble dryer. I was quite horrified at the clouds of dog hair and fluff that greeted me. But hey Ho. The towels were clean.
I took myself and the dogs out for a walk at Castle Meadows. The Meadows themselves are mud free but the track there, which cannot be avoided, is a morass of thin sticky mud, covering a harder surface, surrounded by deep equally muddy puddles.
Our walk started off quite pleasant until it rained. I was about half way round when the heavens opened. And they spewed out a lot of the wet stuff. Consequently we all got wet and did not hang around.

I abandoned the dogs back at home and dried myself off a bit before setting off for Crookham to Val’s for lunch. And what a magnificent lunch it was! She had cooked a magnificent array of vegetables to accompany some baked ham and bits of turkey. Marie was there, minus Anthony, and Brenda too. Anthony had chosen to stay at home which gave Marie some freedom. Well he hadn’t entirely chosen to stay back, he just wouldn’t get ready. But was happy to remain at home. He got a very large doggy bag.
I called in at the Illis, who are still in Leeds, on the way home, and could see that Freddy has visited and I also gathered up a parcel that had arrived.
Earlier in the day, my new magic doorbell alerted me to the fact that Argos had delivered, by van, my SD card that DCR ordered . A van seemed slightly over the top!

A message from Anne told me that Mary is undergoing chemotherapy. It has just started. It won’t cure her but may allow her a few more months. So Anne will probably return to the U.K. soon… And she has Daisy to consider I suppose.
The doggies were overjoyed to see me when I returned after my few hours out. H is being very distracted by her bone which is now ready for her attention because it is a few weeks old. Except I have removed it so that she concentrates her mind on other things when she is outside.
And someone has kindly dragged our green bin up to the front of the house for tomorrow’s collection. And I remembered the food bin.
Thought for the Day

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