Such a Lovely Christmas Day

I have to thank my whole extended family for making this such a lovely peaceful Christmas Day. The gifts I received excelled all normal generosity and were thoughtful and much appreciated.

For the last few years, it had fallen upon Alex’s shoulders to spend T’s money on ‘stocking’ gifts for me, luxurious, and large ones, such as would never fit in a stocking, and this year, Ali had handed the reins to Penny. Gifts were discussed with T and bought before his death. I had been forewarned- and yes of course I still wanted them.
Amongst these wonders was a totally splendid, cosy, proper dry robe. What a true treat. Swimming- here I come.

We were quieter as a family, mindful that two weeks ago, we shared an early festive meal when Tina was over here. That was the last family occasion with T. Seeing the table relaid for a near repeat caused some stomach churning, but everyone rose above it all, though there was a shift element to the meal.
This was skilfully and largely prepared by our two resident chefs. And it was delicious!

And now, back to the start of the day, which was around 03.00 after I fell asleep at some really early time the evening before.

I arose and went for a virtual walk by the sea ( in my dreams) and made coffee and then I settled down to wrap the remaining presents. Of course there were more than I expected. And it took longer than I expected but I got there in the end.

By then, it was time to get up and load the car which was awkward and tricky. But I was lucky enough to have a crew of Sherpas to take everything into the Illis house where H and I joined them.

I think I may have enjoyed a second brekkie and then the family disappeared with the dogs for a longish walk: Me – well my eyes were already drooping and stayed dropped until the adventurers returned. It was only mid morning!

The rest of the day was consumed by present opening and general chit chat and the festive meal. Which I may have already said was top notch .
Heidi has a lovely Christmas scarf-

Given our circumstances, the day was perfect for me. I hope others felt the same.

I left around 21.00, tired, but content, and I felt very spoilt. What a fantastic family I have!

Thought for the Day


Streatley torches on Christmas Eve. We did not partake this year






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