Christmas Eve

I think I had a reasonable night waking at around 05.00. I performed the usual rituals, which are fewer now that T is no longer here, beside me. His bed is, which gives me space, peace and comfort. After all, if I can’t have him, I may as well have where he used to be.
H didn’t much like the look of the great outdoors so we two lay around for a bit.
I had errands to run in Didcot, so I took H with me.
Didcot Sainsbury’s is not my favourite shop. The commercial area was not busy and the shop was not quite open, except for browsing.

You see it was Sunday, (as well as Christmas Eve and the shops don’t open until 10.00 or thereabouts). Lucky I checked their opening hours or I might have been there at 08.00. I picked up the few items I required and H and I left.
We toured Goring for some reason or other which has slipped my memory and retreated to Streatley Rec for our walk. Across the meadows we could see the heap of pallets built up for the traditional bonfire and carols
to be held later in the afternoon. Custom dictates that this is preceded by the torchlight procession, where residents of Goring and Streatley proceed from their homes, with flaming torches, and meet across the Thames for the carols.
The death of George Michael and then the Pandemic meant it is a tradition has only just been revived. The organisers have been trying to restrict participation to residents of the two villages. Roads have to be closed, police involved etc. It can be a large and beautiful event.
However, today was windy – would it be able to go ahead?
Moulsford, on the other hand, was planning a different procession. We were to put battery tea lights outside our houses to try and form a continuous line along the Street to the Church where people would gather to sing carols. I had ordered 50 tea lights from Amazon for this very purpose. But had yet to arrange them outside.

It was time to drop H off and dump the shopping and go to the B and W for lunch. There were nine of us and lots of other acquaintances were doing the same. Eating a delicious Sunday lunch or just a non-Sunday lunch .

It was really lovely to gather with the family in familiar surroundings and feel the love and comfort they provide. I kept trying not to think about Tony’s absence and the presents not given. But I am comforted because I know T would have found it all so hard and would have wanted us to be happy, in the knowledge he was dearly loved. And we were happy.

I had been encouraged to stay over at the Illis tonight, but I was tired and I had wrapping to do. And I am deeply comfortable in our home. With Heidi for company. And I like to wake up and potter around . George’s bed is very comfortable and was on offer. But home is good.

I crammed the four grandchildren in the car and deposited them back at the Illis. The adults had decided to remain at the pub for a few more drinks. They appeared chez moi about an hour later ready for their lift home.

Moulsford was looking even more attractive with the battery tealights busily creating an attractive chain through the village. Mine ended up on windowsills and front doorstep.

It was after 19.00 by now and I decided to stay at home.
The Christmas pyjamas are on

So I went to bed with the TV. Bed – in order to save me having to get myself there later.

Only one TV programme of interest at 21.00 if I’m awake!!

Well I started off awake!

Thought for the Day






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