
I passed another night actually sleeping in my bed. For quite a long time. Morning arrived and I flexed, but for not as long as my watch indicated.
It was a grey, miserable day. With the occasional moment of break through sunlight.
H and I walked a quick circuit round Streatley Rec because we had to be back for our meeting with our celebrant, Trudi.

Ali joined us for this and Penny too, via FaceTime. We sat around our kitchen table for ease with pads of paper and iPad.

A reluctant Heidi took George for a walk.

How good was Trudi – going through the format, making suggestions and discussing timings and speeches etc. Great stuff Trudi. And we received a draft order of service later in the day once the internet cooperated in letting us open it all. There was a lot of discussion. All quite tiring.

I dashed off to meet Brenda at the Yew Tree, in Ball Hill. I was surprised how quiet the traffic on the A34 was – the Friday afternoon before Christmas. I expected half the U.K. to be on the move. And it wasn’t.

It was about 3.00pm, even so I reached the Yew Tree just as Brenda did. There were not many cars in the car park, and consequently few people in the restaurant. This both suited and surprised me.
We enjoyed a jacket potato snack together and one of those long natters until the cafe closed at 5.00pm.
I was considering errands in Newbury, but only considered them. Another quiet journey brought me home. As I listened to the News on the way back, the travel people were also struck by the uncongested roads. It was all quite odd. Maybe it’s because the weekend also provides travel opportunities.

Upon my return, I sat down and commanded the TV to entertain me. I must have done a bad job of it because suddenly it was nearly midnight. And I was full of beans. But they were half asleep.

Thought for the Day






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