Registrar and Christmas Shopping

The day went on for a long long time. It started quite early despite an extensive sleep which meant I was in bed before 21.00pm.
Once sleep ceased, with my cup of coffee beside me, I indulged in a little more of Vigil. I keep saving it up, like you save up a treat.
I took H out for an early and fairly swift walk so that I would be able to head for the registrar’s office with a clear conscience.

Ali picked me up and we were there in good time with around 5 minutes to spare.
The kindly registrar took us through the information she needed and we were soon on our way back home with our 8 spare copies of T’s death certificate.

I had a few hours at home with H which allowed me to explore the Christmas presents that I thought I had already bought much earlier in December. The stash was a bit disappointing – it consisted of a lot of cardboard and not too many presents. I performed a swift sort out, principally because there was not much to sort, which involved recycling bags of previous years. I also removed most of the excess cardboard.

It had to be removed because it occupied half T’s study. I used to deal with all this in the kitchen, it is helpful to be able to do it, where all these secrets can be just abandoned as they are. And then revisited.

I had lots of admin to get on with, including seeing the money for the French house has arrived in our bank account. I still need to sort out French utility bills and we were also tinkering with the text announcing the details of T’s funeral. The announcements will go out live any time soon.

Ali and both George and Fleur collected me late afternoon to go on a shopping mission to the great out of town new John Lewis store at High Wycombe. There you can get just about everything. I did my best, supplementing what I had already bought, but still short of a present in some areas.

The store was open until 21.00 and we arrived at about 17.30. Just in time for the gang to have scones and a hot drink. I had a very welcome coffee.

I trailed a shopping basket on wheels around the store with me, gradually filling it as I wandered round the huge place. I hadn’t even been able to get myself to the cafe without getting lost, a half hour earlier. Small wonder if they list a cafe as ‘The Eating Place’ on the signs.

As I trailed around with my wheely basket , I parked it as I studied different gifts. It became heavier to park and more drunken to control. And then it finally showed off by tipping itself tipsily over and scattering its contents all over the floor.
‘Poor old dear’ I expect was what the staff thought as they dashed to pick up my carefully chosen gifts. And then they offered me something that I just could not refuse: a trolley!! Yes really a trolley. I had not thought of a trolley, but then I had not seen one available either. But they had a dinky few discreetly placed where no one would find them.
Now I was reinforced and with something to lean on! No holding me back.

When I had had enough, we left the shop for home. Thank you to the Illis for taking me.

But I was just about awake enough to get some supper before I fell asleep during the sewing bee. If they are going to have. celebrities, it would be more fun if I had heard of some of them. Of course, Toyah. I knew. Well not personally. I knew of her.

Trudi is coming tomorrow to deal with the order of service. I’ve to pay a deposit to the Spring Inn. And amend some wording on the info about Cholsey Day Centre.

Thought for the Day

Initial draft of details – still an edit or two to do.
Sketch by Pen. Some people will be notified via email and the rest by social media.






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