Fraught Day

I had a bit of a wobble this evening between 18.00 and 18.30. Hopefully, next week will be better. I don’t want to forget, but yet I do. It’s looking back through photos and how Tony looked before 2017 and how he looked post 2017 that tears me up. The last 7 years or so tore his spirit from him. The post alcohol years gave us both more peace of mind. I didn’t even think about it recently.

Today was a good morning to wake up around 05.30. I had enjoyed a solid and deep sleep.
The very painful tweaky hip of the evening before, was less painful, and only reminded me of its presence occasionally throughout the day. On the mend, thank goodness .

Pen appeared around 08.30. I had thwarted her latent desires by hoovering the carpets the night before, which she noticed so I can’t have made too bad a job of it.
We chatted a while and then she had to leave to return to Devon. I’ve littered the floors again with bits of dried mud and dog hair. Home comforts and all that.

I had to leave for Slimming World. There appeared to be a party being set up, but I could not stay, I needed to be at home for a phone call. (The new consultant seems a very kind lady…) A call that did not come until later. That was another 3lbs gone. But the week approaching will be a bit of a challenge.

Next up, was walking H at Pangbourne with hefty anti wet feet measures in place. Called wellington boots. (brought out of hibernation) It was soggy and muddy. But the geese gave H lots of chase opportunities. She would chase, they would disperse, for all of around 20 seconds, then they returned. And it began all over again.

It was then things started to go pear – shaped. Phone calls dropped in, The hole I started digging for myself kept getting deeper. The more I dug, the deeper it got. Identity verification is no joke!

Once home, I thought I would indulge in a treat- a real meal. Not just something delicate, and almost invisible, balanced on a bed of lettuce. It had to be something visible, something naughty, something feisty – some roasted veg for example with something hefty on top. They were all good along with their topping .
Just as I initiated cooking of my real meal, Nick Syfret called round with a bunch of beautiful white roses and other flowers. And a card of condolence. We also had a nice letter from the Dalys.

Trudi and I had been trying to catch up all day and we did and were finally able to fix a meeting for 12.30 on Friday. This sounds a relatively simple achievement, but believe me it was not. The arrangements have x2 sisters added which complicates matters. Three people to accommodate.

Meantime, my hole was getting ever deeper and ever wider. With various boulders challenging my excavations.

I may have fallen asleep at this point. What do you think?

Ali received a phone call from SR following her letter of complaint and there is a meeting to discuss it on 8/1/24. The phone call was entirely amicable. I also received a call from Jemima. And I had already emailed my thank yous to her this morning. I repeated them using my mouth.

I climbed out of my hole this evening, slightly muddy and bedraggled. But all is by now good. I’m not sure that mobile phones are such clever things. Mine doesn’t work properly these days anyway.

Registrar tomorrow.

Thought for the Day






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