Proper Busy – Totally Knackered

Three bosses was never a good idea!

I had a terrible night last night. No sleep for the wicked they say. Well I had obviously been very wicked. Because there was no sleep.
I was exhausted come the morning, and trailed out with H round Pangbourne Rec in the pouring rain, just about managing to stay upright. I avoided the meadows by the river because the ground was very very saturated. I hate it when there is so much wetness and mud.
Upon my return home, I decided to try and tackle some of the French utility bills. I may have managed the water bill. I ran out of time to do the others. I have to cancel each provider, but I don’t seem to have the codes or references I need to access my data. This is probably because T set it all up years ago, so online information is buried in a dead inbox of his, somewhere.
Our money from the house sale has gone temporarily AWOL but the currency firm are on it. It’s just meant that amongst everything else I’ve had that to deal with, it’s another demanding issue. Sometimes I feel my head just needs one more detonator, and, Bang!
This all took a while and before I knew it, I had to leave the chaos that was at home, including the pile of dishes in the sink, the iron and ironing board, the mud at the door, the heap of correspondence, in order to go to Ali’s to meet up with Pen. Iron? You may say. Ursula? You may say.
Yes’s, I have had an iron for the last 3 years, and it only made it out of the packaging for the first time today.

There followed an afternoon, in Reading, of a series of discussions with a rep from the undertaker’s. A friendly and very helpful young lady where we covered everything from attendance, to music to coffin to flowers.
On the way home, we dropped in at the Spring Inn who we will probably ask to prepare some refreshments. It’s actually a very pleasant pub on the A4, near the M4 Theale exit, about ten to fifteen minutes drive from the crematorium which is near Thatcham. So, we are set for 3/1 at 4.00pm. Numbers attending ? Somewhere between family and close friends only, to the masses, including old colleagues. Solicitors etc.
The space they have available for such occasions is actually very pretty, just up some stairs and strung with lights. If the girls liked it, as they did, it must be OK. organising things with 3 bosses is never easy.

The four pieces of music we have chosen give a nod to Greece ( Last Summer, from Mamma Mia, and Pelagia’s song from Captain Corelli, and a nod to Liverpool with You’ll never walk Alone – Gerry and the Pacemakers and Here Comes the Sun – the Beatles. We will sing Abide with Me which is a nod to Christianity and his love of Wales. We have chosen a wicker coffin which will bear a cross woven into it at the foot. Or perhaps it is painted. Flowers only from family and I’m not buying into a wreath, though the family are. I’m going for a living basket of planted flowers which I can bring away and nurture until I forget and then they too will fade and die. But I will do my best. I’m just not very good with plants.

Any financial donations will go to Cholsey Day Centre. They are a registered charity and made a huge difference to both our lives over the last 18 months / 2 years. I coped, largely because T could go there. A place where I knew he was safe and stimulated.

We had been out for several hours, by the time we arrived home, as H pointed out to us. I had been invited out to the Illis for supper, but I was desperate for a bit of ‘Me’ time. And the chaos from the morning had done nothing to clear itself away, was still scattered around, being needy this afternoon.

As I battled to get past a tower of deliveries, blocking my way into the house, I found a beautiful container of cyclamen but nothing to indicate who it was from. I tracked down the fact it was from my Carers’ Circle. Thank you ladies – a lovely gift.

In fact, I ended up with very little ‘me’ time because a very kind local acquaintance was at the door bringing me tasty and rather garishly colourful treats. She didn’t know about T, but had been a nurse once, so leant me an understanding ear.

I hacked up some lettuce and a piece of fish, and splayed my weary limbs every which way all over the sofa. And the inevitable happened. But at least it was sleep.

Update Weds 06.09- I slept very well.

Thought for the Day






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