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It was the sofa again that did it. Off to bed late having had a few hours sleep, and awake again around 03.00. This is getting to be a habit and a bad one at that. Naughty but nice!
I then flexed and had a hot drink and fruit and re awoke around 09.00.

Crumbs! Fleur was due at 09.30 and I was not even showered. Hold on … a text from Ali says she is still in bed. Phew! Relax!
Off I go to shower and I’ve barely got my knickers on when find one of my lovely granddaughters plus one on the doorstep. The one being a certain big black dog. A wet big black dog. This granddaughter being Fleur.
Well done F for jogging from your home to mine.
Being a hospitable person, I invite them both in. And feed the doggy and offer sustenance to Fleur. She refuses brekkie and accepts a cuppa, but then gets fed up waiting to be picked up by her lovely mother and succumbs.

After they departed, Neal and Anne arrived bearing the gift of a very delicious meal. We had a good natter and chatter and reminisced about old times and old friends.

In the meantime, Alex has sent a strongly worded email to those who were supplying us with palliative care pointing out the error of their ways and how disappointed and let down we feel.

Talking to Penny, I am now quite horrified at our treatment given that, unknown to me, she was actively communicating with Nurse Clare, who rejected our / her requests for support / help/ a care package, whatever you want to call it, on the grounds that T was not ill enough. She ignored the comments from the oncologist specifically saying support was required from them, and what she says flouts what we were told we were entitled to by Nurse Katy. ie amongst other things, any residential or other type of care would be free because of the lung cancer diagnosis. I remember feeling hugely relieved at the time.
Clare tried to back track on this when we briefly discussed someone coming to help T get washed or showered. She said we would have to pay for it.
I have decided she was obstructive. Bear in mind she also said a massive haemorrhage was very unlikely ( contrary to the consultant’s letter saying this risk had increased, and, also, earlier, she insisted the lump on his neck did not require urgent attention). Funny that, because this got an urgent 2 week referral from the GP.

Moving on, I had a long FaceTime with Anne who is in NZ to be with Mary. She is rallying slightly but they have been told that things could change in the snap of a finger.

And then I fell asleep in bed until around 01.30. And straight back to sleep again until 05.00. That’s a better sleep pattern!

So now, Monday stretches ahead of me in a fairly empty week . I might have to do some Christmas shopping! Undertaker tomorrow, SW on Wednesday. Yesterday’s lunch won’t help with that! Brenda on Friday at some point. Maybe a death certificate will feature too.

Thought for the Day

On our Norfolk holiday. Only at the end of September.






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