This was a night without significant coughing and without significant bleeding. Whether it is a one-off or as a result of increased doses of medicine, I have no idea. I did my ward round early enough to preempt trouble.
But trouble there was because although T took the medicine that mattered (TXA and morphine) he refused the paracetamol. I reasoned that with the morphine inside, he would probably be fine.
In fact Alzheimer’s came to my rescue by erasing his refusal from his memory, so he eventually took his routine daily tabs and paracetamol together.
I spent the early part of the day shoving boxes of art stuff and Christmas items into T’s old study so Tina could get into the spare room. Then I started on our external illuminations. All four of them. To be interrupted by a visit from Ali
T was very chirpy and awake for most of the morning. This surprised me. His mood was good too. Ali visited with treats and turned into a ‘domestic’ whilst she sat with T and I walked H. (Hoovered and cleared cardboard) My watch went flat so my walk efforts were not recorded.
The day had dawned damp and misty grey but blue skies soon won through.
We were expecting coincidentally simultaneous deliveries from Waitrose and from NRS. The latter are the suppliers of NHS equipment and aids to keep you safe in your home. We now have a grab rail in the shower as well as a shower chair. ( and the hospital bed)
Waitrose, however, disappointed in as much as their delivery van bearing our groceries, broke down and they offered us a replacement delivery slot between 18.00-22.00. Yeah right! By then I’m on my last legs and in no mood to unpack £170 worth of shopping. Never mind the fact I did not know what time I would have to meet Tina.
Ali was here when the Waitrose message came through. Breakdowns can’t be helped but she diplomatically pointed out that I’m contending with various difficulties and unknowns. And she melted Mr/Ms Waitrose’s heart and they agreed a new time of 17.00 – to be confirmed.
In the meantime, Nurse Clare rang and popped in to see us. Tony was still fairly chirpy but left us to go through medicines etc and agree new doses. She will order slow release morphine for next week. But in tablet form.
The afternoon moved on …
I was just wrestling with two of our outdoor illuminations, when to my delighted surprise, our Waitrose order rocked up before 16.00, delivered by a wonderful man who, not only carried the crates through to the kitchen, but also helped unload them onto various surfaces, and then departed. As he did so he presented me with an apology bunch of flowers in Christmas colours.
So the fridge got a clear out and the shopping got stowed. And, by then I needed a sit down except it was almost time to meet Tina.
Tony was running out of energy by now so I met his sister at Goring on my own. I was also low on energy and the Charlie Bigham curry I had ordered for our return from Blenheim became tonight’s meal. Cock up here by Waitrose – I had ordered two different curry dishes and they delivered two the same. However Tina and I enjoyed it. T flatly refused to come and join us to eat.
And thereafter his mood changed to a stroppy and rude one. He was definitely tired and kept saying he wanted to be alone. He was very reluctant to take his TXA tablets though I won that battle. And it took more time and cajoling to get the morphine into him. I didn’t think I was going to win that one so it was a huge relief when I did.
He flatly refused to take his daytime clothes off so that battle was conceded by me.
I don’t want another bedtime like that one.

RAF Benson flying over local schools
I also contacted Trudi re undertaker recommendations – she works with over 30 and recommended two but dismissed one because it is the other side of Oxford. So I now have a link to a Caversham family firm. To be discussed among family. Premature – maybe – but useful to have some idea where we are heading.
Update: Saturday – a peaceful night but with peculiar behaviour. I woke up to find him sitting in the loo- not sure how long he had been there. Seems to be more brain fog than usual when it comes to following instructions. I’m wondering if the cancer is combining with his Alzheimer’s.
Thought for the Day

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