T had a very explosive coughing fit in the night where he distributed his blood quite generously over the loo. Panic set in and it took him a while to calm down and recover. But he did.
It then took me a while to clean up and calm down and recover. Which I did, Thereafter we both slept quite well until around 07.00.
I had decided T would not be well enough or strong enough for Daycare, but he had decided otherwise, and obliged me by showering and eventually putting his clothes on. And we were off and he was delivered, only a little late.
As for me – well, I walked H, and then made it to Slimming World, pleased to note another kilo has disappeared into the ether. Only a lot kilos more to go.
It was a smaller group at Slimming World today. Normally the hall is quite full of determined and dedicated converts. However I discovered there has been a muttering behind the facade.
Since I am a recent attendee, I was unaware that the lovely Kerry is the equivalent of a senior supply teacher. ie a stand in for someone on maternity leave. And that that someone has upset her devotees by deciding not to return to the group.
Shock / horror!
So we will get a new leader soon, though I must say that Kerry is pretty good at galvanizing the troops, but I have learnt she is like a Senior Prefect or Head Girl. Important!
Once home, I tucked into more soup with lentils and chili / garlic flavor. And then I battled with my eyes to keep them open. But various interruptions helped me in my battle – mostly post or courriers.
I eyed up the Christmas items that Dave brought down from the loft. ‘Later,’ I whispered to myself.
It was soon time to collect T. The staff informed me he had been perfectly fine all day, chatting and joking. No problems at all. It just goes to show distraction works a treat. We discussed his lack of interest in food and they have worked out he needs small portions only, unless it’s cheese cake or similar. Then a large portion is required.
That was a relief to know, because, this morning, I felt guilty of being like those mothers who send their children to school in the full knowledge they are not well. Just to let someone look after them, or in order to get to work. He could have stayed at home but he didn’t need to.
A flurry of chores greeted me once I was home. Mainly to do with dealing with the rubbish and the bins. The dish washer and the tumble drier also figured. So did administration of medicines (eventually) and preparing T some finger foods. This was in the hope of assuaging any hunger and sending him to sleep.
I asked Alexa to play him songs from the Greatest Showman. But Amazon wanted money for the original soundtrack so I settled for the cheaper option.
I had put T into his bed when we returned home as he seemed exhausted . But he outdid me! I later closed my eyes for an hour or so and found Pen arriving with DCI in tow, separate cars. They were after the Christmas trees. The ones we did not get down from the loft yesterday. I have a whole plantation of the things.
A long story that merely shows me up for the idiot I am. Luckily, it seems that they are in demand as far as family goes which can only be a good thing as they will no longer be lying silently in the loft, their vibes sending me on a guilt trip.
Pen hung around with T who seemed full of beans, sitting in his chair taking in a repeat episode of Clarkson’s farm. He was still in chair at 22.00 watching Masterchef. Lucky I had given him that plateful of finger food in the afternoon because I overlooked cooking supper. But he did get his bedtime treats – tablets and the syringed liquid.
I’m hoping for a better night tonight.
We are off to the oncologist tomorrow.

Thought for the Day

Update Thursday morning:
A quiet night, but the morning started badly again but not quite so bad as yesterday.
I know he will rally under the force of sufficient distraction. A large part of a Toblerone bar has vanished into thin air.
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