The day seems to have passed slowly and peacefully which is no bad thing.
Unfortunately it started early- too early . A cup of coffee helped me hang on to what little sanity I have at that very early time of day.
T actually ate the piece of toast I produced before I did the first ward round.
There is nothing like trying to get your forgetful husband into the bath while someone is engaging you in a telephone call.
He made it in and out, and later, we made it to Daycare and H and I made it to the River.
It was around 6C which is quite a lot warmer than yesterday. But other dog walkers were obviously deterred. It was misty, which is a polite way of saying that it was damp and likely to get damper.
Workmen were busy removing their barriers to the children’s playground, now their excavations and relaying of the floor are finished. It looks very smart.
After our watery wander, we revisited Vicars to pick up some bargain for next week when I’m planning a small surprise in the form of a last night Christmas meal for Tina. Some of the Illis will also be in attendance.
I picked up T who was quite happy at Daycare, but the moment we were in the car, he punished me with a combination of the full force of his coughing and needing the loo. Both urgent.
Luckily, we made it home, so he could shut himself in the loo for the duration, whilst I loitered clutching the tablets and syringe that form the ward round. No point in getting irritated when he refused to take the tablets; no point in thinking: ‘Alright look after yourself,’ just had to remember that he would not (remember). And cannot look after himself, despite his belief to the contrary.
True to form, he did not remember, and eventually bent to my will. And fell asleep to ‘Only Fools and Horses.’
I had an early supper and mislaid the entire evening. But I got the late evening ward round in. The cough has been silent.
So has H largely , yielding her bone to the rain. It really has been a ghastly, wet day. But no pressure involved.

Thought for the Day

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