The night past fairly smoothly. And I think I was awake very briefly at a silly o’clock and then again at a more sensible time for brekkie. T has passed a quiet night which was more or less cough free. I performed my ward round in good time because I was anxious to keep a repeat of yesterday at bay.
He had nibbled fruit during the night and nibbled more and something sweet for brekkie – brioche with chocolate chips.
I took H out in the rain of the late morning. It was wet enough to require anti rain measures in the form of a proper raincoat.
But I chose to walk along the old railway line at Hampstead Norreys where there was NO mud. The trees dripped and a mist settled through the trees and over the fields.

T had requested a piece of beef to eat for lunch so H and I returned via Vicars, which was surprisingly quiet. The shop had obviously been ravaged earlier in the day because fruit and certain veg were in short supply. However, H will have a nice defrosted bone to chew tomorrow, when the garden should be a bit warmer and, maybe, a bit dryer.
And Minnie and H will have one each for Christmas.
As soon as we emerged from Vicars the sun also decided to grace the country side with its presence which cast an interesting light peeping through the trees. Sods law. Or similar.

The sun is doing its best. It came out good and proper later. And was drowned out again after dark. Even if it had been out which it was not.
T was still fast asleep when we arrived home. But all was calm and quiet. I dispensed all his medicine and got on with cooking the beef he had requested. He ignored it! I had cut it up into small pieces and provided a spoon to make life easier. But it was spurned by T but not by H.
H did not spurn it even though she had to master the horseradish sauce I had smothered it with.
I sat on the sofa for a bit and lost an hour or so. It was a really good sleep.
It is strange how T finds a space for mince pies or flapjacks when he is uninterested in anything else.
I got second wind so busied myself tidying up my mess and prepared myself for an evening of concentrated TV. T slept on.,
Thought for the Day

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