The day started off quite well and, for once, not at 03.00, but quite a bit later. Around 06.00 I think. It still meant I performed the usual ward round and other routines.
The morning had started at -2C so I was not in a hurry to get dressed or go out anywhere. Though I did shower reasonably early.
And the morning passed until nearly lunch time and I was just about to take H out, when T was smitten with a more explosive coughing fit, bringing up blood. He was also finding it hard to breathe. We have avoided such events for over a week, so I was disappointed because I thought the revised medication was keeping things under control.
I brought forward his dose of TXA and Oramorph, but his cough still rattled on and on.
Ali called round and she gave me a hand in trying to settle him, because he was becoming tired and fed up. As a distraction, we moved him to the sitting room but the cough has persisted more or less all day. He has eaten very little.
She brought with her, Fleur, some coffee pods and a lesson in using the Nespresso machine. Nice coffee!
They hung around for quite a while! They thought they had created an error with the TV sound which was not working, but then I pointed out I had muted it.
I am keeping my fingers crossed for a calm night. T’s breathing is much better now and he is not coughing at all. It is nearly 22.00.
Fleur and Ali left in the early evening. H did not get her walk due to the coughing event.
Nurse Clare rang this evening so I was able to fill her in with our news and details of his current symptoms.
It has been a worrying day.
00.38 – things have calmed down and he is eating grapes.
Through all his discomfort and dislike of what was going on, his wonderful spirit shone through as he tried to find humour in what was on the TV. And he enjoyed Dr Who.
Thought for the Day

It’s only a temporary job !
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