More Peaceful

The night was not great. Another awakening at 03.00, coffee, ward round, flexing, and another snooze. And then the real wake up.

T was as compliant as possible and stepped into the shower, which I, now, always set going for him. He managed to put on the clothes, that I, now, always put out for him.
And we were soon off and out, in the car, that I always now drive for him, heading for Daycare, with little H in the back.

It was very frosty again today. But the ice on the windscreen gave up quite quickly under pressure from the car heater.
T has obviously had fun this morning and more musical entertainment this afternoon.

Heidi and I walked through frosty grass at Pangbourne, admiring a group of open water swimmers. The water must have been warmer than the outside air. Brave souls – but they didn’t linger in the water too long!
it seemed a bit uninviting to me – brown and still and cold.

I took H home to warm up her little paws, and I then went to an artisan craft fair, supporting Maggie’s, the cancer support charity. There is a Maggie’s at the Churchill Hospital where we will be next week.
The fair was at the Coaching Barn in South Stoke, and was well attended. I did make a purchase or three. I bumped into a face I recognised, and the face and I congratulated each other on the fact that both our husbands were at the Daycentre. And therefore not around to criticise our retail therapy.

It was a very pleasant morning but I had to return home to deal with a few chores.
And before I knew it, it was time to collect T.

I was really tired – I had kept busy to avoid the sleep trap, but it was nice once we were both home, because I could indulge myself with a snooze. Waking at 03.00 takes a chunk out of the night. Staying awake later in the evening might help.

It’s the 1st December and the start of meteorological winter. And the traditional start of Advent is today but which, in fact, is 3 December this year.

Penny’s first of the 24 advent candles I gave the girls. First advent in their new house.
I’ll get there one day! These candles are tiny.

There’s a different view from their windows this year – their last house had wonderful views. I spy other wonderful things now.

Despite my late afternoon doze, the evening passed in similar (dozy) fashion. I feel as though I’ve caught up on the silly wake up time. I’m probably wrong because I will have had enough sleep by 03.00. Fingers crossed it is otherwise.
Update: Yesterday I put out a plate of finger foods for T’s supper, which he only played. However, by this morning, (Saturday) most had disappeared. Cheese/ crackers/little sausages/tomatoes/grapes .

King Charles didn’t need to utter any words with his message (below) to Sunak. Good for him! He’s showing a bit of decent leadership. Climate Conference and Greece! Points made! His mother must be turning in her grave.

Thought for the Day






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