More grey with rain

It was not so cold this morning – no frost but wet and miserable.
I was awake early and in need of an early cup of coffee. T was quite full of beans and quite chirpy, so I quickly medicated him lest he lose the impetus.
He had the choice between a bath and a shower and chose a shower and managed relatively well once I had soaped up his sponge.
We had an hour to spare before Daycare opened its doors. Normally I would walk H and T together but T cannot walk far anymore.
Having dropped him off, H and I wandered around Pangbourne Meadows. Nobody much was about apart from a dog, hunting down boats, according to her owner. Only there weren’t any, apart from a few moored to the bank. The river was calmer today squatting in its bed, all viscous and sleepy.

We didn’t hang around because it was starting to rain, so I returned home to change the bedding and wash it. And clear up the dirty crockery and – top job – empty the dishwasher.
I just about managed not to fall asleep before collecting T from Daycare. He had been fine apart from not eating much. But that is par for the course at the moment.
However, I put two mince pies and a bunch of grapes and some Baby Bel on a plate. Strangely enough, they rapidly disappeared.

Perhaps he has a selective appetite rather than no appetite. We relaxed for a while.

I had a short chat with the lovely Trevor when I picked T up from Daycare. He went to Blenheim to the Christmas Trail and Market a couple of Days ago. (I’ve already booked Blue badge parking and wheel chair hire as well as early access entry for December 9 when Tina will be here) . He commented that it was really good and the Marshalls were fantastic. The trail was really well laid out with rest and refreshment and toilet areas with additional wheelchairs to use. The Marshalls were trained in Makaton and sign language to help the deaf. Just hoping T’s health holds up.

There has been clattering going on all day outside. The middle terrace house next to Burt and Wendy is being cleared. The occupier, who was once very rude to us, died about two months ago. He was a single gent, around our age and the heap of junk appearing from his house and garden was rank. There was quite a lot of it!

The evening took over so it was time for me to doze off. T just couldn’t manage to be pleasant all day long, he just had to take a verbal swing at me before bed. But he will join me soon, all tucked up and warm in his nice clean sheets. He always does.
The electric blanket is giving me a hug!

The shops, now that Hallowe’en and November 11 have passed, are decked out in their glittery Christmas finery. My thoughts are turning to our loft and it’s contents.

Thought for the Day






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