Grey – a non-day

I awoke around 03.00, nudged into consciousness by a certain person who was feeling hungry. I gave him cheese and crackers, mini flapjack and grapes which kept him quiet until my ward rounds in the morning.
He rejected his toasted fruit bread for brekkie but I wasn’t too bothered after the midnight snacking.
After loading the tumble drier, H and I wandered off to Pangbourne.
The day could not have been less inviting. It was grey, very grey and -2C in the earlier part of the morning . This meant the grass was almost white. It was also a day of low cloud and a certain damp murkiness.
H and I stomped by the uninviting river. I had to wipe down a damp bench and then line my backside space with doggy poo bags to keep my rear dry. It worked. H pottered and I mindfully sat. The geese strutted and the brown waters slid past us.

Next up to Vicars to order the Christmas Turkey, only they did not want the order. They wanted me to order it online. Which is what I did when I returned home.
I had briefly contemplated eating out somewhere, but decided T would not make a good enough job of it to make it worthwhile.

There is a clever little Open Table App / system which tells you of all the nearby places with availability, if you type in a time and the number of people. Places that subscribe that is, and lots that we visit do subscribe. Very useful, I wish I had known about it two weeks ago!

Instead I set mince cooking at home, whilst I walked H and I finished it off with mashed potato when I returned. T only played with his. Mash and a snooze – much needed after my 03.00 awakening.

Whilst at Pangbourne, I tracked some of the aircraft overhead. I couldn’t see any, I could only hear them. Included were:

Air ambulance at Benson

CDG AND Milan both were sending flights to Miami

LHR to New York

LHR to Dallas

Lima to Amsterdam

Alicante to Edinburgh

Alicante to Glasgow

JFK to Frankfurt

And so on. One plane even flew directly over another.

And that was the day more or less. Grey and uneventful in every way.

Oh – I forgot the most eventful event! The freezer! Something fell out of the bottom freezer drawer, wedging itself underneath so it would not close. This was extremely annoying because I didn’t need to be clairvoyant to read the immediate future.

Half an hour and a few escapee peas and bits of sweet corn later, I had emptied the two bottom drawers of the freezer and had a bit of a clear out. Wielding a broom, I had chased more peas, sweetcorn and prawns across the kitchen floor and had moved some unrecognisable items to a bin bag.

Grudgingly, I should admit it was a useful job done, not particularly well, but done.

The original photo is of a rare event last night. We noticed for ourselves it was very. Right as we drove home from Newbury.

Thought for the Day






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