A little coughing around midnight and then in the early morning, but nothing too significant.
T was reasonably compliant this morning and we were at Daycare in good time. He was all medicined up to take him through to 2.30pm and was apparently a bit wheezy but otherwise fine throughout the day.
He came out quite chirpy and full of beans.
As for me, H and I strolled around Castle Meadows in light drizzle. I kept expecting it to turn to heavy rain because the clouds were glowering and grey. But it held off. The cattle also held off. I amused myself for a short while, studying what was going on far above me.

I had about 40 minutes at home before I needed to depart for lunch with friends. This was just enough time to sort out some washing and tidy the chaos around the kitchen sink.
It was lovely to see Jane and Sue at the Butt Inn at Aldermaston Wharf. We had a very pleasant lunch and a long chat. They have kindly offered to adapt meeting times/ commit to short notice to help me out so we can still meet up. Good friends to have.
Having picked up T, we in turn, had about 49 minutes at home to fuss over Heidi and deal with updating T’s medicines before leaving for the Illis. Our main reason for going there was to see Helen and Martin who were up from Devon. Their first stop had been to see Mark, Helen’s brother who lives in some sort of sheltered / assisted accommodation.
Another lovely get together along with magnets.
And yummy coffee from the fancy machine that was Dave’s birthday present.
Frankie, who will be 20 next week, has published another thoughtful episode of her blog.
Pen has set up her online art shop.
T has been upbeat since I picked him up. And he has clearly enjoyed the social interaction. And maybe the magnet game too!
But he has reverted to general ill temper once we were home. The reason? I asked him to change his trousers to a lounging/ pyjama pair. I made him a finger snack supper and retreated to the sitting room.
Through the patio doors, I could see an illuminated tented area had been set up next door at Tracey and Andy’s. Obviously something social would be going on. Last time, in the summer, they warned us they would be having a teenage party but no warning this time, so I thought maybe something for adults.
I advised H to perform her toilette early as this might be her only chance.
I closed the curtains, sat down to watch the news and jungle and, eventually fell asleep until around midnight.
Unfortunately for Tracey and Andy, Moulsford social media is bristling with complaints: one household has had their windows smashed in ; and there have been general complaints about loose and noisy teenagers running around, especially at the junction of Underhill and Ferry Lane. I suspect this is not good news for our neighbours.
Given that we have lived here for three years now, and have never read of any similar behaviour, the conclusion seems unavoidable. In addition, this morning, Saturday, I can see someone has had a go at our rear gate as the very heavy stone that holds it in place has been pushed across.
However, it is of some benefit to be half deaf! We were not disturbed and heard nothing apart from quiet voices. H did not bark, though I kept her confined.
BUT… I wonder what Burt will make of it all. He blew up their last effort out of all proportion elaborating it with fantasy detail. And porky pies.
Thought for the day
Well done Pen for setting up your lovely shop.

And to granddaughter Frankie for her very thoughtful writing in her blog. Eg below …

Great school report George! Fleur- he’s on his way…
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