No Daycare

Last night was so much better than the previous two. So was the early morning. No horrid bloody coughing fit and no cough/ spit / flush, on repeat. The pre-emptive medicines I gave him last night may have helped.
I had to leave home early to get to Slimming World in Wallingford for the 09.30 session. Usually I go at 11.00 after dropping T at daycare and walking H. But we were expecting a home visit from doctors from the palliative care team. So I had switched the day around and cancelled daycare for T.
In fact I was in Wallingford by 08.30 so I took advantage and visited Waitrose for a few items. Including one or two for Ali.

At SW, I was pleased I had managed to shed another 3.5lbs over the last two weeks.

I found T still calm and sleepy at home.

The docs arrived around midday. Burt, from next door, just had to have his moment to tell them to tell me something unnecessary about the squirrels . The ones I had just been watching as they came up close and personal on the terrace. Doh! The man is an idiot. I think the docs thought he might be too.

The docs were absolutely charming. There was a less experienced one and a consultant one , both quite young, compared with me, but one was probably bordering 40. And they were very lovely. I briefly contemplated kidnapping the pair of them and keeping them as cuddly toys.
They had read around T’s case but had various other questions to ask. We discussed all sorts including what medication to give and when. I am certainly happier about giving the tranexamic acid 1 tab, 3 x per day, as well as the Oramorph as and when needed.

Jemima (OT) also rang but I had to explain the docs were visiting.

T was very dozy for the docs as they checked him over. But at least they got the real picture although the desire to crack a joke still burned strong within him. Bless him.

The new Devon Wool duvet had arrived whilst I was out, so, I battled with getting that into an older cover, donated by Pen. How pathetic am I ! It was only a single. But still a battle.

I then inadvertently sat down in a chair with the said duvet over my knees. And, inadvertently, the inevitable happened. I had originally intended to walk H and then cook some lunch and then sit down. So that went wrong. Luckily I had given T a plate of finger food.

H got her walk when I woke up around 15.00, and it was already getting dark as we went out. We also went to Goring to pick up some medicine from the surgery. Well that failed because the dispensing machine was out of action and the staff could not rescue our medicine which was trapped in it.

There was an amazing colour to the sky as I arrived home.

It was around 6.00pm that ‘lunch’ finally got cooked.

I sat down to watch TV … I’ll leave you to imagine what happened next! Another inadvertent event.

I had stuck Ali’s shopping items in a bag on the doorstep so she could pick it up later, whilst returning from hickey, without disturbing us, if we were in bed. But we were awake at 21.50 and H alerted us to her presence.

The night that has just passed was interrupted by a short interlude of what I shall call ‘brain fever.’ Absolute bullocks! Or even bollocks was how the conversation went. I could make no sense if it. Neither could He who uttered it. However the cough did try it on, but remained at arms length. And, touch wood, peace reigns so far this morning.

Thought for the Day






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