Out to Lunch

We did not have a good night. Another coughing disturbance occurred at some point after midnight which was very unsettling. Then a horrific wake up in the morning with a lot of coughing and quite a lot of blood lost and T in a loud panic.
I remembered I could give him a tranexamic acid tablet which is a medication to check bleeding. And this, along with the oramorph seemed to have done the trick. He calmed down and was more settled by the time Pen appeared.

She sat with T whilst I taxied Fleur back from school after her final mock GCSE.
And then Pen decided to put on her fairy cleaner mode and clear the leaves, cut the grass, clean the kitchen work surfaces etc . Very grateful thank you.

I managed to get T into a bubbly sweet smelling bath and he got himself out of it after a while. So he was quite sparkly clean and ready for a trip out.
Getting dressed is a bit of an ordeal because he is not sure what to do with the clothes I put out for him. However, eventually he was sporting a full set and we were ready to go out, and Pen was set to return to Devon.

The day was grey and uninviting, wet too, with intermittent rain. So the drive to Saddleback was not as glorious as usual.
And today we sat inside for the first time. But the staff were as lovely as ever and the food was tasty. I had a coconut and veg curry soup. I resisted cakes.
It was lovely to see everyone again and even Dame Sue made it. Anthony and Tony chatted and kept out of our hair. And allowed us to gossip.
H came with us and sat under the table with Ben, Val’s dog. She did not get much of a walk today, mainly round the car park. And she had faced overwhelming double jeopardy at home – the mower AND the hoover. Fireworks are nothing compared with the mower and/or the hoover.

I had rung the Sue Ryder nurses this morning to check on giving the tranexamic acid and to describe this morning’s episode. They rang back this afternoon to arrange a doctor’s visit for tomorrow, so no daycare for T. And I have to fit in SW and a walk for H.

Jane and Sue, who I was supposed to be seeing on Friday, are proving good friends after I withdrew from our get together, and are offering to be as flexible as they can be, including at short notice, and including over weekends. What great friends I have. It’s just a shame none of them are on my doorstep!

After our lunch out, we came home and had a sleep – quite necessary after the night time shenanigans recently. At least I can grab a daytime snooze if needed.
The nice cook at the cafe gave us each a free big, fat, home-made sausage roll to take home. They were surplus because their commercial use-by date was up. That made a good supper for T. And he ate it cut up as finger food.

So that was my day.

Thought for the Day






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