Happy Birthday DCI

It will soon be the big one!

We had a good night and awoke around the usual 05.00 for coffee etc. And then followed some flexing and some dozing and some chatting – ear to ear and via text.

It was a damp and gloomy start but then there was some steady improvement.

Tony’s cough was a lot calmer today than yesterday, although I did dose him up with his special medicine and some paracetamol.

H and I ventured out at lunchtime, once I was sure my services were not needed to pick up a birthday parcel from Waitrose at Wallingford. We returned to Pangbourne and it’s sogginess. My feet almost slipped from underneath me in the muddiness. A blustery wind erupted and flattened the grass as it bustled around the meadow.
There were few people about as we progressed towards the river which was even faster flowing than two days ago. And higher too. But a cormorant did skim the surface of the water.
I summoned H away from a bunch of geese because I could see water lapping over the concrete observation/ launch area. I worry she will slip and get herself swept away. Slipping as happened before.

The car park was nearly empty, maybe the fact the playground was a building site was partly responsible. It tried to rain but it was not a successful attempt.

Back at home, I fed T some remaining bean stew with added Southern Fried chicken bits. It seemed to disappear. I enjoyed the left over beans with added spinach.

And then the afternoon also disappeared. I had quite a long FaceTime with Anne, who is flying out to New Zealand at the beginning of December, for a few weeks because Mary is so desperately ill. She will be out there over Christmas and her return date is not known. Because it is not booked. Bill is now in a private hospital because he seemed to be bed blocking or similar.
It is likely that Mary will not survive her visit. So very sad. I will never forget a ‘put down’ Mary commented whilst in Crete when Ken and others had overstepped a mark.

Nurse Clare rang. She is not working next week. In addition, a doctor from the palliative care team may visit Tony next week, or the week after. It’s mainly to do with getting medication correct.

Despite me writing T’s cough was a lot better today, he had a prolonged coughing fit at bedtime. It was unpleasant for him and he was very unpleasant to me. Saying I never help him etc etc. He also wouldn’t rest his chest to let his lungs recover. In the end I played a radio comedy programme which distracted him enough from coughing, to make him laugh and relax.

Thought for the Day






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