I was sooo tired yesterday evening, that we were both in bed and asleep quite early. No more wound dressing done as I had given up on that.
Due to the dishwasher malfunction, I had abandoned a stack of dirty plates from our supper that the five of us had shared last night. The kitchen did not look attractive!
I was awake at some silly o’clock having slept for five or six hours and wandered to the kitchen to make a hot drink. Before leaving, Ali had put the dishwasher on a different wash cycle which had booted it into submission and it was all clean inside, containing just a handful of plates.
So I refilled it with the dirty stacks lying around and I can confirm it is now behaving itself. I used a much hotter wash cycle than the eco one. Probably sensible because it is more likely to dissolve any accumulating grease.
I decided that today was a day for malingering in bed. I had notified Daycentre that T would not be there. He was in much better spirits at the start of the day today and was positively bouncing in the early hours. No mega coughing fit this morning.
It was a chilly, but bright start to the day, and eventually H and I got our act together and set off for Pangbourne. The ground was very marshy but I’ve seen it worse. Heavy machinery is digging up the children’s playground by the car park. I think they are replacing the safety bark chippings which seem to be stuck to some sort of protective membrane.

H disappeared into the sogginess that the meadows have become and we wandered down to the river which was rather brown, and full of water, and in a hurry. And a few geese were enjoying a lift towards Reading.
Whilst at Pangbourne , I received a phone call from a Nuheat expert about our central heating problems. This was followed by a call later in the afternoon from Dave.
Hopefully our troubles will be resolved when Nuheat have one of their own engineers in the area in a few days time. In the meantime, despite his promises, I still have not received Joss Coulton’s notes on what he found.
After our walk, we returned home to find T had devoured much of the finger food that I had left out for him before our departure. that was good, but …
He was rather unhappy about the bump on the back of his head, for which he has been advised to stay topped up with paracetamol. He was complaining of a headache so I gave him a minimal dose of 1ml of oral morphine.
He can have up to six such doses of this per day.
I took the next challenge head on and washed his stitches so they were clean (which they were anyway) and then lightly wiped a smear of Vaseline over them. This works to soften skin and ease dissolving of stitches. Or so we were told.
A little later, Nurse Clare rang to find out how we were getting on as some things changed as a result of her phone call yesterday. She confirmed the reduction in dose of tranexamic tabs if he needs them at all. She will ring again on Sunday. And to give the Oramorph for coughing or headaches.
We may get a visit from one of the palliative care doctors but not much choice in timing. This could be very handy.
I prepped gigantes cooked with a pile of veg for supper and added more of the Korean garlic chili sauce. Wow, they were good!
But these gigantes had arrived in dried form from Greece. You can’t easily get the same ones here. I was looking online ….and found some.

More expensive than fillet steak! Although I did find some at £9.90 for 500g.
It is now nearly midnight and after a fairly calm day, I could hear and sense a prolonged coughing fit starting up at bedtime, a couple of hours ago: I dosed him up with oramorph and things calmed very quickly. There was bright fresh blood in his cough. Clare will want to know this on Sunday.
Thought for the Day

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