
Having spent what seemed like half the night dressing and redressing T’s wound, I finally caved into the inevitable and left it undressed

Ali was going to redress it this evening but has not for some reason or other. I think she reached the same conclusion as me – that with 12 hours of the 48 left to go, most of which would be spent in bed, it should be OK. She devoted her time to his armpits instead.

So I did not get a good night’s sleep and I feel I have paid for it all day. The day involved all sorts of timed activities, but hey, they are done now.

T had a mega coughing fit this morning and was in a spectacularly bad mood and unreceptive to taking any medicines, advice etc.

Of my chores, the first was collecting our morphine from the surgery which was going to be closed this afternoon for staff training. H came to supervise my transactions and to undertake a walk. I also required a few bits and pieces from Cholsey Tesco. And I visited the Pharmacy to pick up some wound padding. But I did not because they did not have any in the size I wanted.

I returned just ahead of the cleaners who turned out in force, and seem to have left a vital vacuum part behind.

Next up was the turn of Joss Coulton boiler fixer. Only he did not fix the underfloor heating. This is now in the hands of SIL Dave R who will doubtless provide me with a contact. But the boiler fixer did service the boiler. I shall research a company that can fix all forms of CH for future use.

Trudi Y called in at around 3.00pm and we all had a nice long chat and T actually got up and came and chatted. Well, not exactly chatted, more listened attentively to our chat. In her work as a celebrant, Trudi comes up against all sorts of tragedies – one ongoing one involves an 8 year old boy, the victim of a hit and run. The driver did not stop, and must surely know what he did. Somewhere near Swindon.

The Illis minus Dave were visiting for supper. The visit was to allow Alex to check I was caring for T and his surgery properly.

I prepped some couscous and accompaniments for supper and Ali and G and F joined us. T ate a little but tucked more eagerly into the sickly Tesco cheesecake for pudding.

The dishwasher has not been cooperative for a couple of days. This has meant that the dishes are not getting cleaned. It seems to be a problem with the water supply or water pressure. The top shelf cups etc just remain dirty; the door is still dirty; the bottom layer get wet but not clean. The tablet just gets spat out of its holder and has been found (2x) sitting on the top shelf with the dirty mugs, barely partly dissolved.
I cleaned the filters, checked the lower water spray arm and researched the problem on the net. Suggestions were: a partly blocked water inlet or a kinked hose or water pressure.
I ran out of time and washed a stack of dishes and mugs from within the machine and from the sink by hand.
Ali stuck the half used tablet back in the machine and switched it on with a different programme. I could hear water sluicing around inside and when I emptied the machine at some silly o’clock this morning, I found the few items inside were clean! A master cure by Ali.
So I then had the debris from the previous night to sort and load. And I switched it on again to see if it does actually wash it all.

I was seized by absolutely overwhelming exhaustion earlier this evening. I think the nerves of Tuesday night and the nursing of Wednesday night combined were responsible, and Thursday, itself did not help.
The whole family has had a full-on week – Pen travelling to and from Devon twice and Ali dealing with school exams and G at hospital and T.
I’ve taken the decision not to send T to daycare tomorrow. He may not be well enough and that wound does not need to mix with other poxes. I get to wash and Vaseline ut tomorrow.

At least H got a walk – in the rain!

Thought for the Day






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